Chapter 11: Flying Lessons

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Over the course of the next week, Hermione and Max continued bickering constantly over breaks and in the common room. This was too much for the others, so when they started bickering, Harry, Sierra and Ron would head up to the boy's dorm and play wizard chess instead. However, something was put up on the notice board that made both of them stop fighting. 

First years were expected to take flying lessons every Friday, after classes. This greatly enlightened Sierra, who was keen to learn to fly on a broom. She had so much excitement, that even Potions had become bearable. Hermione on the other hand, had frantically rushed to the library to try and research about flying. Unfortunately, she didn't find much, but that didn't stop her from reciting the whole Quidditch Through The Ages to the others. 

On Friday, Sierra could barely sit still. She could barely concentrate in Transfiguration before Professor McGonagall had to separate her from her friends. But that didn't stop her from getting distracted.  Later that day, as the six of them walked onto the Quidditch pitch for their first ever lesson, Hermione and Max did a really surprising thing. They were talking to each other. This was a first as Hermione and Max rarely talked to each other. Sierra supposed they were both nervous. 

When the Gryffindors got to the Quidditch pitch, they found that the Slytherins were already there. Sierra had sneakily given Draco a wave but was soon spotted by Harry. Madame Hooch had suddenly whizzed past them as they lined up with a school broom in their hand. 

"Welcome to your first flying lesson! Not all of you will master the art of flying in your first lesson, but eventually I will get you all flying", Madame Hooch had announced. "Right, the first step is to get your broom in the air. To do this, you say 'Up'. On the count of three, one... two... three". 

"UP!" There was a roar of children yelling trying to get their brooms in the air. Harry and Sierra were the first to get it in the air. Hermione was struggling for the first time. Max, who was also struggling, had smuggled a grin at Hermy, telling her that she hadn't studied hard enough. 

"How did he do that?" Hermione had wondered aloud as Harry's broom went flying into his hand. 

"It's Up! Not Uuuuup!" Harry had exclaimed to Hermione. At last, when the last of the kids had gotten their brooms up, Madame Hooch was about to blow her whistle for them to start flying, when Neville's broom had suddenly started flying upwards. To say Neville was scared was an understatement. He was terrified. 

Suddenly, Neville began falling and with a loud split, he had tumbled to the ground. Madame Hooch had immediately ushered him to the hospital wing. 

"No one is to fly on their broom until I'm back! Or you will be expelled faster than you can say Quidditch", she exclaimed. However, the moment she had turned the corner to go inside, Draco had grabbed Neville's Remembrall. Harry had suddenly caught up with Draco. 

"Hey! Give it back, Malfoy!" He exclaimed. Draco however, looked back with a smug grin on his face. 

"No! I think I'll leave it for Longbottom to find. Thank you very much!" He replied. And before they knew it, Draco had taken off. Leaving the triplets looking up at him. Harry began to mount his broom. Hermione suddenly caught up with him. 

"No! You heard what Madame Hooch said, besides you don't even know how to fly!" She exclaimed. When Harry had mounted and flown off after Draco, Hermione muttered something. "What an idiot!" 

Sierra could not do much but stare up at the sky. Harry had caught up with Malfoy, but he looked a lot wobblier and more unstable than Draco, who seemed as though he had flown before. 

"Give it back, Malfoy! Or I'll knock you off your broom!" He yelled at the blonde-haired boy above him. Malfoy just threw the Remembrall and Harry went after it, leaving Draco staring after him with a smirk on his face. 

When Harry had caught the Remembrall, he flew directly down and the whole class lit with applause. Suddenly, Professor McGonagall came running down the flight of steps and landed right near Harry. Parvati Patil and Ron spoke up on behalf of him. 

"Please Professor, it wasn't his fault!" Parvati had suddenly spoken up from the crowd. Professor McGonagall seemed to ignore her. 

"Malfoy he-" Ron had started, before he was cut off by the Professor. 

"Be quiet Miss Patil, Mr. Weasley!" She had stated. As Professor McGonagall lead Harry through to her office, Sierra got a worried feeling bubbling inside of her. This could not be good. 

In Heaven: 

James: I am disowning Harry! How dare he get expelled from Hogwarts in the first week!

Lily: James, Harry didn't even receive his punishment. You can't tell its expulsion. 

James: (Looks at Lily) I can feel it!

Lily: How did this guy turn out better than the Potions professor

James: (smiles and flicks through hair) I know, I'm just too good. 

Lily: (Throws a shoe at James) Oh shut up! 

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