Chapter 1: The Dursleys

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The Dursleys would consider themselves as a matter of fact quite normal. They dress normally, live in a normal house and act normal. But they have a secret. A secret so bad they would not know what to do if the neighbours found out. Their secret was the Potter's. The Potter's were not normal. Well they weren't according to the Dursleys. 

You see, Mrs Potter was Petunia's sister and they did not get on. The Potter's also had children. Triplets as a matter of fact, a girl and two boys. The kids were another reason for keeping the Potter's away. They did not want children like them mixing in with Dudley. 

Mr Dursley was just headed out to work, kissing his wife, Petunia on the lips and his son Dudley, who was wriggling in his seat, on the cheek. Mr Dursley was a fat man with a bushy mustache and hardly any neck. He was on his way to work in the car, when he noticed that apart from the usual pedestrians crossing, there were some funny looking people. These people were wearing long cloaks and were animatedly talking. Although, the weather was hot, and Vernon just assumed that he was imagining things. Which was not good, as he despised imagination. 

Despite the chaos outside, Vernon Dursley was in a very good mood by lunch. He had yelled at a few people, been very productive in whatever boring thing he did at work, and decided he would go to the bakery and buy a sweet, delicious bun as a treat. However, as he passed briskly on his way over, he caught glimpses of the same funny looking bunch he saw in the car. He even caught glimpses of their conversation on the way back to work. 

"The Potter's, that's what I heard..."

"Their children, Harry, Max and Sierra, they...." 

At this, Vernon rushed back to his office as fast as his stubby legs could carry him. When he got back, he pulled his recently bought iPhone 13 from his pocket. But as he dialed Mrs Dursley's number, he decided he did not want to worry Petunia. She was always sensitive about her sister. Besides how could they be sure it was about the Potter's. Potter could be a popular surname. And they weren't even sure their kids names were Harry, Max and Sierra. It could be Harold, Maxwell and Sophie.  He put his phone back into his pocket and got back to work, not noticing the owls that had scattered in broad daylight all over London. 

When he got back, Petunia had told him all about their day, how Dudley had learned a new word from the neighborhood kids ("shan't"). And about other things, then they ate dinner, put Dudley to bed and were about to go to bed when Vernon asked a question. 

"Um... Petunia dear, you haven't heard from your sister, lately?" Vernon asked sheepishly. 

The look on Petunia's face was enough to know she did not want to talk about her sister. "No, why?"

"Oh, there was just some funny looking people around today, and owls flying in broad daylight... their kids would be Dudley's age right?" Vernon replied. 

"Yes their triplets. Names are Harry, Max and Sierra, horrible names, am I right?" 

"Yes your quite right." And with that they went to bed. But surely, Vernon thought, that if anything was going on, the Dursleys surely wouldn't be involved. They had no idea how wrong they were. 

Potter Triplets- The Philosophers StoneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ