Chapter 7: Making Friends and Enemies

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Sierra, Max and Harry squeezed themselves through the tightly knit group of first and seventh years, before coming across a carriage. They entered to see the same redhead boy they saw earlier. Suddenly, Harry spoke up. 

"Um... excuse me. Can we three sit here?" He asked the boy with a shuffle. Luckily for them, the boy nodded and gestured for them to sit. They sat in silence for a while before he spoke up. 

"I'm Ron. Ron Weasley!" He introduced himself. Sierra spoke up in which she hoped was a sarcastic tone. 

"Okay. Did we ask?" Sierra mentioned. Both Harry and Max gave her a look that told her it was not nice. However, Ron just laughed. 

"You have a good sense of humor. You'd be good friends with Fred and George", he replied while laughing non-stop. The triplets had no idea what was going on, and all they did was stare at the boy as though he had gone mental. Eventually Ron stopped laughing when the carriage door abruptly opened, and two figures came in. 

The first figure was a girl with bushy brown hair and beaver-like teeth, who was already wearing her school robes. The second was of a nervous looking boy who was looking around for something. Suddenly, the bushy haired girl spoke up. 

"Have you seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost one", the girl said, whilst glancing at the four. The boy named Neville had suddenly looked up at the three triplets. 

"Who are you three?" He asked rather curiously. The three did not know what to say, before Max opened his mouth. 

"I'm Max. Max Potter. And this is Sierra and Harry, my siblings", he replied to the boy. Neville and Ron immediately stood gape mouthed as Hermione muttered something to herself. 

"Oh! I know you three. You guys are in Modern Magical History and The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts. Oh, I have read all our course books and memorized them off by heart." She exclaimed. This suddenly caught Max off guard for he also memorized all the course books off by hearts. 

"Well, I bet you haven't read Hogwarts: A History. Well, you see, I also read all our course books including the ones you mentioned and loads more", Max replied grimly to the girl. Ron rolled his eyes at the two nerds and carried on with a deep conversation with Harry and Sierra about Quidditch. More like lecturing them. When Hermione and Max were done bickering about who had read the most books, Neville spoke up. 

"Well, I-I'm N-Neville Longbottom". He stuttered. Max suddenly looked up at the name Longbottom. He spoke. 

"Wait! Longbottom? Longbottom! Are your parents Frank and Alice Longbottom?" He asked the nervous looking boy with a hint of excitement in his eyes. 

"Y-yes", Neville replied. Suddenly Max, jumped up and hugged Neville. He had finally found his god-sibling. The others left Max and Neville to chat and catch up on things. Hermione seemed a little off since her fight with Max, but she became best friends with Sierra and the two were talking about their subjects for this year. 

"Sierra, I don't think we have a Professor Trelawney this year. She wasn't on the list. And we definitely don't have Divination as a subject in first year. I read about that in Hogwarts: A History". Hermione stated, with an eyeroll from Sierra.

"But I need to know about my power. And Hagrid said that Professor Trelawney was the person to talk to. Besides, it will be nice to talk to another Seer", she replied. Meanwhile Harry and Ron were talking about muggle cooking and cooking by magic. 

"Magic makes everything so much easier. How do muggles deal without magic?" Ron asked Harry. 

"Well, they just do. But that doesn't stop them from imagining life with magic. I suppose that's why muggles have electricity and cooking utensils. Makes life easier without magic". He told the redhead. 

"Well, you're going to have to teach me about muggle cooking. Because I am as clueless as a mule", Ron said. Suddenly, the door burst open and in came three figures. The first figure had sleek blonde hair and looked somewhat like a bully followed by two tall and fat looking cronies. 

"Is it true? That the Potter triplets are in this carriage?" He asked the others in the carriage. His eyes then fell on Sierra and she felt as though she were going to fall into those blue eyes of his. He suddenly looked up, making Sierra feel disorientated. He stared at Harry and Max before going towards them and putting out his hand. 

"My name's Draco. Draco Malfoy. You'll soon find out Potter's, that some wizarding families are better than others. You don't want to go around with the wrong sort". He said, his eyes lingering on Ron and Hermione. 

"Red hair and a hand-me-down robe, you must be a Weasley. And you", he remarked pointing at Hermione, "I've never heard of you, you must be a muggle-born". Harry and Max suddenly looked up and said at the same time, "I think we can tell the wrong sort for ourselves". 

Draco, at first looked mad, but then he turned around and left the carriage. However, as he was leaving, Sierra could've sworn she saw him turning around and winking at her before exiting. Sierra felt her heart skip a beat. Sierra suddenly grabbed out her phone that she had stolen from Dudley. 

"Hey guys, let's have a group selfie. To remember our first trip on the Hogwarts Express", she said to them. They all agreed and together, the six of them, they took many memorable shots which Sierra had sworn she would make a movie from. Before they knew, they had arrived at Hogwarts and were getting off the train. Sierra looked up at the tall turrets of the castle and experienced a surge of excitement going through her. This would be the best time of the year, and she was going to enjoy herself. 

In Heavan:

Lily: I can't believe my children are all grown up. (wipes tears from her eyes)

James: (crying)

Lily: (staring at James disbelievingly with her hands on her hips)

James: (stops crying)

Lily: Are you serious, Prongs?

James: No, I'm James. 


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