Chapter 3: The Triplets and The Hippo

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The three stayed in the cupboard for a few days, only coming out to use the bathroom. The cupboard was extremely boring, and it didn't help that they all stayed quiet and didn't talk. That was, until Sierra broke the silence... 

"Guys, we need to take a stand! We can't let them do this. This is torture, its illegal. I say we run away!" Sierra said with a hint of glory in her eyes, she clearly was a troublemaker. Max was the first to reply:

"Nice try Sherlock, how are we going to do that? Were locked in here, and where would we go?" 

"Anywhere is better than here, with this demented family. I shouldn't even say family! Especially that abnormally large hippo and his hippo baby!" Sierra cried. 

"SSSHHHHH! They could be listening, Si!" Harry and Max whispered at the same time. Sure enough, the door unlocked, and Uncle Vernon's ugly face appeared like it did every day.  "What did you say about my son?" He asked, while sneering dangerously. Beside him, Dudley stood with his face a bright shade of pink and shuffling to the side before Sierra spotted him. 

"You're a great big snitch, Dudley, you're a great big, demented hippo!" Sierra yelled, only to get a swipe from Vernon. She ducked but his fist hit her on the cheek. That was when the real drama happened. Harry got up and had a row with the Dursleys about not doing that to his sister, while Max checked her over.

"Are you ok? Are you sure?" Max asked frantically at his sister, who rolled her eyes. 

"I'm fine Maxi! Stop worrying, but it does hurt a bit", Sierra said casually. Max set about putting cream on the bruise until the Dursleys found out and confiscated it, while Harry and Max sat down and cursed under their breath. 

"Thanks, Har-bear, for doing that." Sierra told her brother before hugging him, while Harry muttered a low "your welcome" back. 

"Ugh, one day I'm going to escape. They shouldn't do this, its child abuse!" Sierra told the other two. 

"I know Si, but we don't have anywhere to go, no friends or other family", Max tried to reason with his sister, "Might as well live here with this hippo family". 

"I hate it! I hate them!" Sierra muttered loud enough for them to hear. 

"Hates a strong word, Si", Max replied. 

"Maxwell Remus Potter, you are seriously sticking up for them, after all they did to us", she yelled at her brother. 

"Well at least they gave us a roof over our head and food on our plate", Max yelled back. 

"Yeah, a tiny cupboard under the stairs and barely enough food for one of us", Sierra yelled back. 

"Will you two cut it out!" Harry had yelled suddenly. 

"Stay out of it, Harry!" Both Max and Sierra yelled at the same time. Their brother's anger was not something they wanted to witness. 


Eventually, the Dursleys let them out and as Sierra came out, she made sure to curse Uncle Vernon quietly. 

"Harry clean the floor, Max cook the lunch and Lily fetch the mail", Vernon replied gruffly. 

"My name is Sierra! Lily is my middle name!" She replied. 

"We will call you whatever we want and if we want to call you Lily, we will do that!" Petunia replied from the kitchen, where Max already was. "GO!" Vernon yelled at Sierra. 

"Make Dudley get it", she replied. 

"Dudley, hit Lily with your smelting stick." He told his son. While dodging Dudley, Sierra ran to mailbox, where she shuffled through the letters. What lay in the bottom of the pile lay three letters, addressed each to the triplets. But who would want to write to them. They never received mail. Something was going on. 

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