Chapter 6: The Truth

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Throughout the night, Harry, Max and Sierra had had a peaceful sleep. At about five in the morning, Hagrid woke them up and they got dressed and headed out to buy their books and robes. Hagrid had said he would explain everything in the Leaky Cauldron. When they got there, they sat down near a rowdy bunch. They sat silent till Hagrid spoke up. 

"So yeh wan' the truth, do yeh?" he asked. The three nodded, and he continued. 

"Well, it started when yeh three were little. Yeh're parents were murdered when yeh were just a year old. I can't say his name", he said. 

"Who was it?" Harry asked. Hagrid leaned in closer to say something. 

"Alright. They were murdered by Voldemort", he replied. "Of course, yeh know yeh are wizards, you lot. The triplets who lived". 

"So, were going to Hogwarts?" Sierra asked still confused. Hagrid nodded. 

"Oh, I almost forgot. Sierra yeh're a Seer. Yeh can see into the future and have that special ability. If yeh wan' more detail, go see Professor Trelawney in the Divination room. She can help yeh with that". Hagrid replied to Sierra.

 Sierra looked dumbstruck. She was shocked. First a witch and now a Seer. This was the most bizarre summer she had. Suddenly Hagrid burst into tears at Max. When Max asked if he was okay, Hagrid replied. 

"So sad. Yeh lost yeh parents when yeh were so young. And Max lost his godmother as well. Tortured, by death eaters using the Cruciatus curse. Yeh're godfather was an auror, fought off the dark forces", Hagrid said while looking Max straight in the face. 

"Who were my god... parents?" Max asked slowly. Hagrid looked deadpan in Max's eyes. Finally, he spoke. 

"Frank and Alice Longbottom. I believe they have a son, lives with his grandmother. Alice was friends with yeh're mother." They sat in silence for a while, processing things, before Hagrid told them that they better get a move on with their school supplies. 

As they climbed into Diagon Alley, they were awed at the number of shops and people walking minding their own business. They went into a number of shops. Gringotts the wizarding bank to collect their money. Flourish and Blott's to get ink, paper and a number of schoolbooks along with Hogwarts: A History which Max had bought because it looked interesting. They had also walked into Madame Malkin's to buy their school robes before walking into Mr. Ollivander's wand shop. Hagrid had gone to get an owl for them. 

"Ahhh! The Potter's. Why I remember your parents walking in here to get their first wands. Let's see what we can find. Try this one, unicorn hair twenty-three inches oakwood", holding out three wands to them. They gave it a flick, but nothing happened. 

"Hmmm, wrong one. What about this one? Dragon Heartstring, forty-five inches, hawthorn wood", holding three more wands. Again, nothing happened. After many failed attempts. Harry and Sierra each had their own wand. Harry's being of phoenix feather and Sierra's being of Veela hair. However, Max had not managed to find a wand. 

"Hmmm. Tricky. Very tricky. Some rare wizards and witches do not use wands. Try waving your hands in a swish and flick motion", Mr. Ollivander replied. Max did as he said, and a powerful surge of energy had electrocuted him. It was the best feeling. He could do wandless magic. 

"We expect great things from you three. Dark forces are coming your way". As they left the shop, clutching their wands, or in Max's case not clutching his wand, they were met with Hagrid carrying three owls. Harry took the white one, Max took the black one and Sierra took the black and white one. 

The rest of their summer passed slowly. The three were excited to go to Hogwarts and escape their aunt and uncle for a whole year. Max was secretly hoping he would find his god sibling, as he liked to call it and Sierra was hoping to meet this Professor Trelawney to learn about her power and Harry just wanted to escape the Dursleys. 

Finally, the morning of the trip on the Hogwarts Express, the three got dressed in Muggle clothing and were dropped off at Kings Cross Station. However, when they got there, their horrid uncle smirked up at the platform nine and ten signs. 

"I don't see 'Platform nine and three quarters" anywhere", he said before hurrying off. The three had almost given up until they saw a family of redheads going towards the barrier of platform nine and ten. Suddenly Harry caught up with them and asked the lovely lady at the front.  

"Um... excuse me. Do you know where platform nine and three quarters is? I'm with my siblings". He said whilst pointing to Sierra and Max. 

"Well of course my dears. First time on the Hogwarts express? Don't worry, its Ron's first time too", she said whilst pointing to what seemed to be her youngest son. "Don't worry, just run straight through the barrier, it won't hurt." 

"Alright, you go next Fred", the lady replied. 

"Hey, I'm not Fred, I'm George", said George or was it Fred?

"Honestly woman, you call yourself our mother". 

"Oh alright, you go on George". 

"Only joking, I am Fred". Fred replied, before running through the barrier closely followed by his twin. Sierra liked the two twins already. 

"Right, you three, your turn", Mrs. Weasley told them. 

Sierra braced herself, before running along her brothers into the barrier. Before they knew it, they were on the Hogwarts Express on a journey to make memories. 

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