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I pushed the door open to reveal the warm embrace of home. Mom stood there, a playful smile lighting up her face as she welcomed me inside. The air was thick with the comforting aroma of spices and simmering dishes, drifting from the kitchen and wrapping around me like a warm hug.

"Hey, look who's back!" she exclaimed, a playful glint in her eyes. "Did you have a nice nap at your friend's house?"

"Oh, you caught me, Mom! Yes, I had the most luxurious nap on their sofa."

Mom raised an eyebrow, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Is that so? Next time, you should just invite your pillow to your friend's house instead of yourself."

"I'll remember that for next time," I replied with a grin. "But I was wide awake the whole time. We had too much fun."

"Alright! Lunch will be ready soon. You better have an appetite after all that 'fun'."

"Yes, Mom, I'll be sure to work up an appetite for your delicious food."

"Good," she said, nodding firmly. "And no more napping after eating, okay?"

"No more napping. Unless your food puts me into a food coma, that is."

She playfully swatted my arm. "Now, hurry up and wash your hands, young man."

I saluted jokingly. "Yes, ma'am!"

After washing up, I settled down at the dining table, greeted by a delightful spread of dishes neatly arranged in stainless steel bowls. Each bowl held a different delicacy, a feast for both the eyes and the palate.

There was steaming hot dal, a lentil stew flavored with cumin, turmeric, and garlic. Beside it, was a bowl of fragrant basmati rice, each grain distinct and fluffy. I also had a serving of Aloo Gobi, a spiced cauliflower and potato curry. The vegetables were cooked to perfection, tender yet retaining their shape, and coated in a thick, aromatic gravy.

Alongside these dishes were freshly prepared rotis, their soft and pliable texture ideal for savoring the flavorful curries. Completing the meal was a bowl of refreshing raita, a yogurt-based condiment infused with cucumber and mint.

Finishing my meal, I retreated to my room, where the books lay in wait. I spent the afternoon engrossed in studies, the only interruption being the occasional rustle of pages as I turned them. As the evening approached, I glanced out of the window and spotted Ritu jogging with her friends. The sight brought a smile to my face, and I quickly moved outside to greet her.

"Hey, Ritu," I greeted her with a wave.

"Everyone, this is Jaikar," she announced, introducing me to two of her friends.

"I'm Meera," said the first friend, a shy yet cheerful girl with a pleasant smile.

"And I'm Chaya," said the second, a girl with a gentle demeanor and kind eyes.

"It's nice to meet you both," I replied, feeling a bit nervous and excited.

Ritu, noticing my nervousness, smiled reassuringly and began the conversation. "So, Jaikar, what do you do in your free time? We love to jog and hang out."

"Oh, I enjoy reading and exploring new places," I replied, trying to compose myself.

Meera chimed in, her eyes lighting up with interest. "That's really cool! Have you read any interesting books lately?"

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