Chapter 16

141 9 10

Note - This Episode contains Mature Content ⚠️ watch at your own risk!
(18+ content)

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city streets, Y/N revved the engine of her super bike, her heart pounding with determination. She spotted Jungkook up ahead, weaving slightly on his own powerful machine, clearly under the influence of alcohol.

But she couldn't let him ride off into the night without knowing how she felt.With a determined twist of the throttle, Y/N accelerated, her bike roaring to life as she chased after Jungkook.

The wind whipped through her hair as she navigated through traffic, her eyes fixed on the figure ahead.

Y/n - "Jungkook! Wait!" she called out over the roar of the engines, her voice echoing in the night.

Jungkook glanced back, his expression a mix of surprise and confusion as he saw Y/N racing towards him. He tried to speed up, but his intoxicated state hindered his control.

Jungkook - "Y....Y/N, w..what are you doing?"

( he shouted, his voice barely audible over the rumble of the engines.But Y/N was undeterred. With every twist and turn of the road, she closed the gap between them,finally riding up beside him.)

Y/n - "Jungkook, I need to tell you something!" she yelled, her voice cutting through the night air.

Jungkook darkened his eyes and speed up the bike knowing she will tell him about the start of their new relationship.

Y/n - "Jungkook stop... I'm telling you stop the bike" She again yelled but not enough for him to listen as he speed up.

Annoyance flashes in her eyes as she closes the gap, inching closer to the other rider. With a swift motion, she positions herself in front of the his bike, forcing him to pull breaks out of sudden and he stumbled a little with his bike but he manage to stand and he yelled on her.

Jungkook - "are you out of your mind? Want to die ?" He gritted his teeth being angry on the stunt she pulled.

Y/n - " If killer is you then I'm ready " Her eyes filled with pure love with an unknown emotions.

Jungkook - "Why were you chasing " He asked her with a rage in his eyes knowing the reason behind it.

Y/n - "I wanna tell you something"

Jungkook - "There's nothing to tell... I already lost you y/n...wish I could stop you at that time... But stubborn me couldn't because of my so called ego" He said with a sad chuckle as tears formed in his eyes.

Taking a deep breath, Y/N locked eyes with him, her own filled with raw emotion.

Y/n - "I love you, Jungkook! I've loved you for so long but I was unfamiliar with the feeling, and I couldn't let you ride off without knowing."

For a moment, Jungkook was silent, the gravity of Y/N's words sinking in and his eyes widened double size hearing her out.

Jungkook - " you w...what"? Tears start falling from his eyes as he can't believe his ears.

Y/n - " I LOVE YOU JUNGKOOK, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH " she screamed her lungs out as tears of happiness also falling from her ensures him that his ears are not lying.

[His breath caught in his throat, his mind reeling from her confession. Tears welled up in his eyes, betraying the storm of emotions within.]

Jungkook - "I... I... I don't know what to say." His voice cracked, choked with emotion. "

𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz