Chapter 24

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Lies were spilling from your mouths, saying anything you thought of. They asked if you've all been with Eddie, more lies. Not at all believing that you haven't seen your boyfriend the past few days. Erica calling you all out on bullshitting. All the parents were angry and upset, Mr. Wheeler suggested some jail time. They decide to take everyone one at a time, starting with Max.

You, Dustin and Lucas are in the kitchen and discussing what happened to the others. "This is Steve, something stupid definitely happened" you said.

Erica came over, threatened Lucas and he spilled his guts to her. Told her everything. Then Erica asked why the Russian's would open a gate in Lover's Lake. Lucas was confused but then Dustin explained that only El and the Russian's have opened gates and it couldn't be either of them this time.

"He's killing to open gates, the gate in the lake is where Patrick was killed. It created the opening, somehow Vecna uses killings to open a gate" You said.

Dustin explained more in depth what you said, he talked of the previous gates and things they experienced. Erica was lost but he tried to tone down some of it to make it easier to understand, you didn't follow much of it but it made sense for the most part.

The lights on the ceiling were flickering, it distracted you and Erica noticed the same thing. She asked them about how they said Vecna used lights, then said he was possibly here now. It wasn't though, Dustin read the S.O.S and looked at you, Erica and Lucas.

"I overestimated them," he said.

Dustin and Lucas took a light toy from Holly. Erica gave her candy in return then you all dash up to Nancy's room. Hopefully Max can keep the chief occupied just a little longer. It worked, they could talk to us from their side. From the Upside Down.

"How many times do I have to be right on the money before you trust me?" Dustin asked.

"To Eddie's then?" you ask.

"Gotta get past the cops," Dustin replied.

They all got on bikes and peddled as fast as they could towards the trailer park, if they were correct then a gate to the Upside Down will be in Eddie's trailer. You opened the door once they got there, went inside and looked at the crack. You all get a mattress under the opening and toss a rope through for them to use. You smile seeing Eddie.

"Hey beautiful," Eddie said, seeing you once he came through.

"Hey handsome," you kissed him softly.

Steve started to freak out, he was shaking Nancy. Shit, Vecna got her. Everyone began to run around finding music to pay for her. Anything to snap her out. Nancy was let go, Steve helped her up the rope and they both were back on our side. Everyone went over to Max's trailer, her mom was gone at work and no one wanted to stay where the gate was. Nancy talked about what she saw, what Vecna told her.

Max said something about four chimes, that when she hears Vecna's clock it is always four chimes. You were seated between Eddie and Steve on the couch, holding Eddie's hand. You didn't like what you were hearing.

"He's been telling us his plan this whole time," Max said.

"Four kills," Lucas said. "Four gates, end of the world."

"If that's true then he's only one kill away," Dustin said.

Max goes to the phone again, trying to call the Byers and El in California. No answer again, this was not going well. You have no idea what is going on there, they have no idea what's going on here. Nancy says that they need to get back to the Upside Down. Eddie and Steve shut her down immediately, not liking the idea. Robin went on a rant about Vecna, of how he is powerful and we don't stand a chance then Dustin jumped in talking of how because Vecna is like El then we know his weakness.

"Uh, weakness that would be?" you ask.

He begins to explain about El's trance-like state she goes into when she's traveling remotely. Through her mind? You didn't really understand but right now that wasn't the point, you didn't need to fully understand. Max said if she ditches the music she can get Vecna's focus back on her.

"No, not going to happen" you said.

You may not know her all that well but you were not going to let her risk her life, shes just a kid. You look at Steve for back up, surely he'll say something. These kids are like his second family, they've been here for him when no one else was. Nothing, he didn't say a word.

"Come on, you guys can't be seriously considering this" you look at the three older ones who were standing.

"We don't have another option," Nancy replied.

You shake your head, you weren't happy about this and was going to make it very clear that you are not. But nothing you say will change it so, you have no choice but to go along. You lean against the couch, refusing to be any help in planning.

My Hope and Light (Eddie Munson X Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz