Chapter 1

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Y/N Henderson walked through the house in her poodle skirt, it was Halloween 1984 and you were at a party with your boyfriend. You decided to go with wearing a poodle skirt as it was a simple costume and easy to put together the whole look. Your hair pulled the best it could be into a style fitting the 1950s. You rocked the look but right now you didn't care, you just wanted to find the way outside and try to be alone for a few minutes to collect yourself. As you finally made it outside, you were thankful that you found the one place that was not occupied by more than two people. Once they saw you, one of them was quick to leave while the other just stayed sitting on his chair.

You took a few steps away from the house, began to pace a bit trying to clear your head of the thoughts in it. Of the sight you had just seen, part of you had wanted to grab the nearest alcoholic beverage on the way out of the house but you needed to be sober unfortunately because you had to pick up your little brother later.

"Asshole," you mutter under your breath.

"We haven't even met yet princess and you're calling me an asshole?" a voice asked.

You turn and see the boy still sitting on the chair, this time he had a lit cigarette and eyes you up and down. You had forgotten he was there, you weren't talking about him of course but your stupid ass boyfriend.

"I didn't mean you, I'm talking about someone else" you reply.

"Oh, some jock getting touchy with you?"

"What? No, my boyfriend is the ass if you must know."

"Oh I see."

You take the seat next to him and sit in silence for a bit as you bounce your knee up and down, you had no idea who this stranger was but since he wasn't trying to get you to talk you didn't mind his company.

"I wish I could forget this entire night, get wasted and not remember a damn thing" you said as you placed your head in your hands.

"Why not get wasted then?" the boy asked.

"I have to pick up my little brother from trick or treating so I can't be drunk."

"Well I can't make you forget whatever it is you want to forget, but I can at least help you relax...if you want."


He holds the lit cigarette towards you, you look at it confused as you had never had one before and couldn't' usually stand the smell of it. But right now you had been so pissed off you hadn't noticed the smell until now.

"Screw it," you said as you took it.

You start coughing terribly after taking a hit and regret it completely, it was just as awful as it smelled. You look at the boy, who had yet to even introduce himself and he laughed slightly.

"You've never had one before have you?"

"No and never will again that is awful."

"So what did the asshole do? Get into a drinking contest and lose making him ditch you here?"

"He was making out with another girl actually and didn't have the slightest bit of remorse when I caught him."

"Oh, maybe he is drunk and didn't realize it wasn't you he was kissing and thought the real you was someone else?"

"No, he's still sober."

You then proceed to sit there talking with the guy for another hour before you look at your watch and realize that you had to leave to pick up Dustin. You were feeling more relaxed now after hanging out here. You got from the chair and as you began to walk away you stopped and realized you guys never introduced yourselves.

"I'm y/n by the way, y/n Henderson," you said, turning to look at him.

"Eddie Munson, at your service" Eddie replied, getting to his feet and giving a bow.

"Thanks for listening Eddie, we just met and an emotional dump like that was not the best way to meet someone but I appreciate it.

"I'm all ears, whenever you need someone to talk to."

At that you turned and headed back inside, weaving through the crowd to get out the front door to leave. Your arm was grabbed by someone and when you turned your head to look, your now ex-boyfriend belonged to the hand holding you.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"To get my brother now please let go of me," you reply.

"And leave me here?" he slurred and you knew he was close to being drunk. "That's a bitch thing to do babe."

"I am not your babe anymore, or did you forget I broke up with you an hour ago due to the alcohol now in your system?"

"I thought you were kidding, babe come on it's a party you can't seriously be this uptight because I kissed someone."

"It's called cheating. Now let me go," you pulled your arm from his grip and left the house.

You got into your car and headed towards the Wheeler's house, parking your car in the driveway before getting out and walking to the door. You knocked and Mrs. Wheeler let you inside as she told you the kids were in the basement. You got Dustin and went to the car, he got in the front but looked at you confused when you got in.

"Where's Josh?" he asked.

"At the party, I dumped him" you reply while starting the car.

"Do I need to kick his ass? What did he do?"

You proceed to tell Dustin about it, you two practically told each other everything and he never really liked Josh but didn't stand in the way of it because you seemed to be in love and happy. You hadn't been together with Josh for long but you still had deep feelings for him so seeing him cheat on you broke your heart and the moment you made it home and into your room the floodgates opened and you cried yourself to sleep.

The next day at school Josh was all over the girl from the party, he clearly did not even care about showing it or hurting you even further. You avoided him as much as possible and just kept your head down at lunch when your friend Robin asked you what was up.

"Josh cheated on, I caught him in the act and now it's like he didn't ever care about it" You tell her while you pick at the food on your tray.

"What an ass, well you deserved better anyway. I mean sure he's considered to be one of the hottest guys in school but like there are way better guys than him" she said and patted your shoulder.

"Thanks Robin, I got the tears out last night and now I just want to forget him all together."

Robin helped you avoid him the rest of the day, it helped that you guys didn't have any classes together seeing as he was a senior and you a junior. But there was still time between classes and after school that the inevitable would happen that you would have to pass him. Robin just took your hand and squeezed it as you guys left the school for the day and going back to her place to study.

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