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The first day of Jungkook's work in Kim Corporation went smoothly. To Taehyung's amusement, Jungkook was perfect in every task assigned to him. At one point, Taehyung was frustrated because he couldn't find any fault to scold the younger man.

"What the hell...? This boy is perfect in everything, even though a bit clumsy," the CEO blurted to himself, feeling both amused and impressed by Jungkook's abilities.

On the other side, Jungkook felt a surge of pride seeing the frustrated CEO, who couldn't unable to find any mistake to scold him. He harbored a secret desire to hammer the CEO's ego beneath a hundred feet of ground, burying it, and then triumphantly sitting atop it. The satisfaction Jungkook derived from this thought was indescribable, a feeling that stirred deep within him.

And so the day continued in this manner, wearing down the CEO who grew increasingly fatigued from assigning tasks to his newly appointed personal assistant, who resembled nothing less than an energetic double bunny, bouncing from one task to another with boundless energy. Oh our poor CEO...

As the sun prepared to bid farewell to its lover, the earth, for the day, the CEO departed for his home, having completed his work after Jungkook had also finished his tasks.


"Jisoo noona..." the CEO called out to his sister as he entered the Kim mansion, one hand clutching a package while the other tossed his briefcase onto the couch. He slumped onto the single couch in the living room, loosening his necktie and removing his blazer. The furrowed brows on his face betrayed his annoyance and exhaustion from the day's events.

"Yes, Tae bear, what's wrong?" Jisoo asked, her usual bright smile lighting up her face as she entered the living room and took a seat next to her brother. Despite her warmth, Taehyung's expression remained stoic, a poker face that concealed his current state of exhaustion. He was adept at hiding his emotions, even from those closest to him.

"This package was at the gate in your name. I think it's from brother-in-law," Taehyung explained as he handed the package to Jisoo.

Jisoo's smile brightened even more at the mention of her loving husband, whom she cherished more than anything in the world.

"Really?" She exclaimed with excitement, eagerly grabbing the box and beginning to unwrap it.

"You know, Tae bear, it's been more than a month since we last met. I'm sure this will be some gift to brighten my mood. He knows how to make me happy with his small gestures, even in his absence," Jisoo remarked happily as she continued to unwrap the box. Taehyung listened attentively, nodding in agreement.

"But I'm also feeling very sad, you know," she continued, her expression turning pouty and sad. Taehyung quickly noticed the change in her demeanor, his brows furrowing in concern. He didn't like seeing his loved ones unhappy, especially his beloved sister.

"But I want his presence more than these gifts," Jisoo added softly, her voice tinged with longing.

"Noona, you know that, right? Brother-in-law is a very busy man. Don't be sad; he will come when he is free for sure. He said he's in Busan, right?" Taehyung reassured his sister, hoping to ease her worries.

"Yes, he has a client in Busan. He's working on that case now," Jisoo confirmed, nodding as she opened a small velvet box inside the package. "Wow... It's really pretty," she exclaimed, admiring a beautiful, cute ring nestled in her hands. Alongside the ring was a small note.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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