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Welcome to it's Unusual but Unique 💞

The grand venue in Busan was decorated with lights and flowers. Vast space radiated an air of extravagance and luxury. A long, glittering runway stretched into the distance, flanked on either side by rows of sleek, beige chairs. The lighting was dim, with spotlights trained on the runway, creating a dramatic, almost cinematic atmosphere.

The walls of the venue were painted in a rich, deep shade of purple, giving the space a sense of warmth and intimacy. Large, ornate chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a warm, golden glow over the room. The air was scented with the sweet fragrance of fresh flowers, which were arranged in tall vases at the edges of the runway and hanging from the ceiling.

It was evening, Everything was perfect and well-maintained. Kim's group was hosting their 15th fashion show of menswear presentation with an official theme. Everyone was running around to make the runway the apt, because one of the top companies in the world was hosting the fashion show which is the Kim's group. Nothing should have gone wrong.

Faint music and chatter could be heard as the program convener asked the secretary of their boss, "When will the boss be arriving?" He was nervous and sweating profusely.

The secretary replied, "Soon. Is there any problem?" She was concerned because she knew how their boss would react if something went wrong. He will bring hell to earth if something goes wrong.

The convener responded, "Just the main model is yet to arrive."

"WHAT?, are you kidding me?" Secretary was also beginning to sweat.

"I wish I was kidding, but he said he will be arriving soon, he's just stuck in traffic," the convener reassured himself.

"Let's check the other preparations hope won't boss comes soon." They both went to check other preparations because they couldn't make a slightest mistake. They will pay for it.


"Kookie, I don't think it's a good idea," Jimin said to his younger brother, who was rushing to get ready and sneak out of his home.

"Hyungie, don't worry, I will make it before anyone notices me," Jungkook replied while fixing his attire.

"But kookie... they are loan sharks... they might be dangerous." Jimin was really concerned.

Tomorrow is Jimin's wedding... but his family have a small debt.. if they didn't pay the money before tomorrow morning the loan shark threatened he will ruin the wedding for sure.

To cover up the situation Jungkook borrowed some money from his friend and he have to reach the loan before the deadline.

"Take care of yourself." Jimin caressed younger's face.

"My beautiful bride... don't stress out yourself ok... tomorrow is your wedding. I will be back soon just cover up me from dad and papa." Jungkook kissed his brothers cheek and went out to his destination where he was informed the loan sharks are. He hailed the cab and went to the venue.

He want everything to be alright. They are not a financially stable family. A well know family asked Jimin's hands for their son. When Namjoon inquired about the family they were good peoples and best for his son. So he was ready to give his son to them, Even if they are hurt from inside. Their chubby baby will be going away from them.

When he reached the place he was mesmerised... Jungkook never witnessed any beautiful venue like this. It was very elegant and luxurious. He was admiring the venue with his mouth open.

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