Chapter 29: After Us All

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As Joshua stepped forward to address the frail old man seated in the wheelchair the others watched with a mix of anticipation and apprehension, the room was tense with anticipation as they awaited Milton's response.

"Hey Milton" Joshua began his voice gentle yet firm, "we're some friends together and we're here to see you about some things from your past if that's okay."

Milton's eyes widened with surprise at the unexpected visitors his gaze flickering over each of them in turn as if trying to place their faces.

"My past?" he said his voice cracking "What could you people possibly want to know about my past?" He said pausing up

Hannah stepped forward her expression sympathetic as she addressed the elderly man "We have a problem and we think you could help us with it, we talked to somebody you know."

Milton's demeanor shifted his expression growing somber as memories from decades past flooded his mind.

"My past is very dark, I don't think I should talk about it" he murmured his voice filled with a sense of foreboding "Besides nobody believes me anyways, what do you guys know that could lead you to ask me such things?"

Tyler stepped forward, his tone serious as he explained their suspicions to Milton
"We think somebody summoned a demon named Rache who is a revenge demon and it's possibly after us, a lot of murders have happened lately very similar to the ones back in 1967."

Milton's face contorted with horror at the mention of the demon's name his hands trembling as if grappling with a terrifying realization as he breathed heavier.

"1967 was a terrible time, it was the last real year of my life" he whispered hoarsely "but there's no way Rache is back, how do you know about that name what did you guys read?"

Tyler's voice was steady as he continued
"A lot of people at Crestwood University have died, it started the same way as ten years ago when two guys named Kevin and Matt did a lot of murders at the campus but now, we believe it was killing and leaving messages as if it was them, like it was helping them, but then a lot of FBI agents died and then Kevin and Matt died both in ways that didn't fit the first murders like Kevin and Matt would do, they looked inhuman, it was the most brutal deaths I ever seen, it all happened as if they summoned something to go after Crestwood for them, and it came back for them instead."

Milton's horror deepened at Tyler's words his eyes wide with fear as he struggled to comprehend the implications of what was being said.

"But, but, but Juan had the book safe" he stammered his voice trembling with disbelief and fear "There's no way if those guys you said summoned Rache and let him impersonate their murders and go off without them, oh god, oh god, we're all in danger, you're all in grave danger! He'll be after you! After me! He'll stop at nothing to stop at why he was summoned!"

Emma's voice was urgent as she interjected "But why and how? And who is Juan?"

The old man's face twisted in terror, and he let out a blood-curdling scream
"Get out of my room before Rache comes! I don't want to see him again! No! No! No! No! No!" As he started to pull at what's left of his own hair and cry.

Michael stepped forward his voice calm yet commanding as he tried to soothe Milton's frayed nerves
"Milton look, Rache isn't here right now to hurt you, we can fix this, but we need to know who Juan is and how he has the book, and we can stop Rache from doing anything."

Milton reached for an inhaler his hands shaking as he struggled to control his breathing, after a moment he spoke in halting breaths
"Juan was a friend I trusted after I survived, he trapped the demon in the book again after everything happened he ended the madness all those years ago."

Joshua nodded in understanding "Do you know where Juan might be today?"

"Last I knew, he was arrested for some bad crimes" Milton replied his voice filled with resignation "The book might be in prison with him, I didn't think of this, Oh no, no, no, this is bad!"

Tyler spoke up his voice determined
"We will go and find out what prison he is at and see if they have this book, Thanks Milton."

As they turned to leave Milton's voice echoed after them, filled with desperation and fear "Rache will never stop! It will serve the vengeance of whoever summoned it! It will be after you all if those boys wanted it! And he'll be after me! For all those years before! It'll never stop!"

The group walked away their minds reeling with the weight of Milton's warning knowing that their journey was far from over.

Joshua looked over at the others
"So I guess we need to visit this Juan guy in prison now."

Tyler nodded
"Yeah it appears that way, but don't worry I'll find what prison incarcerated him easily on my computer."

Tyler with a bit of quick research found out Juan was at a maximum security prison, the same prison that held Matt and Kevin.

As the realization dawned upon the group that Kevin and Matt might have obtained the book from Juan and summoned Rache a heavy silence and worry descended upon them

Joshua spoke up his voice filled with urgency "If Kevin and Matt did indeed summon Rache, then we're facing a far more dangerous threat than we ever imagined, we need to act fast and find out if Juan still has the book."

Michael nodded in agreement his jaw set with determination. "We can't afford to waste any time, We need to go to the prison and speak with Juan as soon as possible."

Hannah's voice trembled slightly as she voiced her concern "But what if Rache is already on the move? What if it's too late?"

Lindsey placed a comforting hand on her shoulder her own expression reflecting the group's shared apprehension "We can't think like that, we have to stay focused and do everything we can to stop Rache before it's too late."

Emma nodded her mind already racing with thoughts of their next steps "Agreed, let's make sure we're prepared for whatever we might find though."

With their plan in place, the group set off towards the prison their hearts heavy with the weight of the unknown, as they approached the imposing structure once more.

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