Chapter 25: A Deal With Revenge

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A week ago.
In the dimly lit confines of a prison cell, Kevin and Matt sat huddled together their faces illuminated by the flickering light of a single candle, across from them sat Juan a fellow inmate whose weathered face bore the marks of years spent within the confines of the prison walls, this was his last day before he was released.

"You boys lookin to change your luck eh?" Juan rasped his voice carrying a hint of mystery, He reached into the back of his pants producing a worn leather-bound book
"This here's a ritual book one that can grant your deepest desires of any demon your heart is filled with, whether you seek lust, wealth, power but be warned the power it holds ain't to be trifled with."

Kevin and Matt exchanged glances their eyes alight with curiosity and longing
They leaned in closer as Juan continued to speak his words weaving a tale of caution and temptation.

"Whatever you wish for it'll come true, that's a fact and there's little downside if you know what you're doing" Juan spoke his voice grave. "But remember the more you ask the more it does the higher power it gains, you don't want it to gain power, and never let it steal your identity and never let it leave the location you're at, and don't ever give it free will or grant it permission to do things without you, or it'll be your undoing."

With a mixture of excitement and trepidation Kevin and Matt accepted the book as a parting gift from Juan who was going to be leaving the prison their minds buzzing with their plot for vengeance, they flipped through its pages their eyes scanning the arcane symbols and cryptic incantations that adorned its ancient parchment.

Hours passed as Kevin and Matt delved deeper into the secrets contained within the book realizing the universe could be theirs if this worked, their whispered conversations punctuated by the occasional crackle of the candle flame still lit, finally, they came upon the ritual that would summon the demon they must desire
Which would be the Demon Rache the harbinger of vengeance.

With trembling hands Kevin and Matt gathered the necessary ingredients over the next day and returned and relit the candle and sat back where they were, their hearts pounding with anticipation again they drew intricate symbols on the cold stone floor of their cell their voices rising in unison as they chanted the incantation that would bring forth their dark benefactor.

As the final words echoed through the chamber a chill wind swept through the cell sending shivers down their spines, suddenly, the air seemed to crackle with energy and a large dark figure materialized before them its form shrouded in shadow.

"I am Rache the bringer of vengeance the seeker of revenge, the darkness that clouds human hearts" the demon intoned its voice resonating with an otherworldly power. "Why have you summoned me what is your game?"

Kevin stepped forward his eyes burning with determination
"We seek revenge" he declared his voice ringing with conviction
"We want to right the wrongs of our past and make ourselves legends in the process, we want to be immortal!"

Rache regarded them with a knowing smile its eyes gleaming with malevolent intent
"And how do you propose to achieve this immortal status human?" it inquired its voice dripping with malice.

Matt stepped forward his voice low and steady. "We want to unleash chaos upon Crestwood University again we want to let everyone know we aren't gone!" he confessed his words laced with venom
"We want to strike fear into the hearts of all who sit at the college we want to make them tremble at the mention of our names!"

The demon's smile widened its dark laughter echoing through the cell
"Your wish shall be granted" it declared, its words carrying the weight of inevitability
"But remember, every wish comes with a price, Are you prepared to pay it?"

With a fervent nod Kevin and Matt sealed their pact with the demon their fate irrevocably intertwined with the dark forces they had unleashed,

Kevin added
"We want you to go to Crestwood University and kill like we did we want you to copy every move we would make and leave our names on the ground! Kill the bitches by stabbing them to death like we would!"

Matt added in
"And there are 5 specific people we really want gone, if we give you their names can you target them too?"

Rache smiled
"Yes if you grant me the power to leave you and go to Crestwood University I will kill those you wish like you want and leave your message, and I'll target whoever fits your name list if found."

Kevin smiled and shook the hand of the demon as he handed him a list with names he wanted gone.

as Rache vanished into the shadows the two men exchanged a triumphant high-five their minds filled with visions of glory and retribution.

Little did they know their desires would soon spiral out of control leading them down a path of darkness and despair from which there would be no return.

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