Chapter 22: Campus Shut Down

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The sun streamed through the windows of Joshua and Isabelle's house casting a warm glow over the living room where the group had gathered, it was Joshua and Michael's off days and they had convened with Emma, Lindsey and Hannah to discuss their next steps in the investigation.

As they sat around the coffee table cups of steaming coffee in hand, each of them had spent the previous days trying to get evidence in an effort to catch the killer who had been terrorizing Crestwood University.

"So what do we know so far?" Joshua began his voice grave as he addressed the group
"Did you girls manage to get any new leads?"

Lindsey shook her head "Nothing really, we weren't able to enter the college yesterday because it was guarded off after another murder took place." she admitted

Hannah nodded in agreement her expression troubled
"It's going to be hard to do anything there with the amount of security FBI has there." she remarked her voice tinged with frustration.

Emma sighed her gaze fixed on the floor as she mulled over their options
"We need to keep trying though, we can't give up and just sit by while more happens."

Isabelle who had been quietly observing the conversation, spoke up suddenly
"What if we set a trap? we could bait the killer into revealing themselves, we know they've been going after girls on the campus during daytime when the college is busy."

Joshua's eyes lit up as he thought and said
"That could work, but we need to be careful we don't want to put anyone in danger, but I think if all of us work together we could catch the killer like that, it's an option we can write down."

As they continued to brainstorm ideas the sound of the television cut through the room capturing their attention, the news anchor's voice echoed through the living room announcing the latest developments in the case.

"Breaking news from Crestwood University again" the anchor declared her voice urgent "Three FBI agents have been found murdered at Crestwood University in the halls of the school, the scene is described as brutal with signs of dismemberment and missing parts of the bodies, this is unlike any other murders the campus has faced which has all been knife stabbings until this point, the college will now be fully closed down until further notice, and students are forbidden from going to the school."

A heavy silence fell over the room as the gravity of the situation sank in, three more lives had been lost in the pursuit of justice this time the FBI were the victims and the killer's brutality showed no signs of abating, it appeared to be worse and more bold.

Hannah's hands trembled as she reached for her phone her mind racing with fear and uncertainty
"This is getting out of hand, the FBI now too?" she whispered her voice barely above a whisper.

Lindsey squeezed her hand reassuringly, her eyes filled with determination and care
"We'll catch them" she vowed, her voice filled with resolve "We won't rest until we all bring them to justice."

The group still in the living room, now with the weight of the recent news about the FBI agents' murder still heavy in the air Emma and Hannah exchanged hesitant glances It was clear that they needed to share what had transpired during their encounter with Tyler, despite the tension it might bring.

Emma took a deep breath her voice shaky as she began to speak.
"Um so Hannah and I ran into Tyler yesterday too when we tried to get into Crestwood." she started her eyes darting between Joshua and Michael. "We tried to talk to him about the case but..."

Hannah interjected her tone sharp with frustration
"He was a complete jerk and didn't want to talk to us or help and wanted to arrest us." her voice tinged with bitterness. "He acted like we were intruding on his precious business and threatened to report us for trespassing as if we didn't solve the last Crestwood murders."

Michael's jaw tightened his hands clenching into fists at his sides
"That son of a..." he muttered under his breath his anger palpable.

Joshua shot Michael a warning glance his expression troubled
"Easy Michael we don't know why he's being this way" he said quietly his voice a mixture of concern and caution
"He's probably been under a lot of pressure lately, we shouldn't jump to conclusions."

Michael sighed
"Lately? You mean the last few years of not being our friend anymore?"

Isabelle nodded in her voice calm and measured
"Joshua's right," her gaze fixed on Michael "Tyler may be going through a rough patch but that doesn't mean he's a bad person, he just needs time to sort things out and you guys were still his friend for a long time."

Michael scoffed his frustration boiling over. "That guy is a sellout and a selfish prick" he retorted his voice dripping with disdain. "He cares more about his precious career than he does about anyone else, just ask poor Emma."

Emma winced at Michael's harsh words her heart heavy with conflicting emotions
"I know he's changed but he's still the guy I fell in love with at one point, I miss how he was, but I worry if one of those murdered agents might've been him." she admitted quietly her voice tinged with sadness.

Hannah's expression hardened, her eyes flashing with anger
"He cheated on you Emma and didn't even try to make things right," she reminded her friend her voice firm with conviction. "He doesn't deserve your loyalty or anyone else's, like it really sucks and is awful if he died but do you think he cared when Ashley died or would if it was one of us?"

The room fell into a tense silence as the weight of their words hung heavy in the air, each of them grappled with their own feelings about Tyler and the role he had played in their lives, But one thing was clear their trust in him had been shattered, and the road to forgiveness would be long and difficult, and they needed to find out who was behind these now 6 murders in the last week.

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