Chapter 28: A Trip To The Insane Asylum

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As Joshua, Michael, Hannah, and Lindsey continued their search around Crestwood they exchanged glances of frustration as they realized they hadn't found anyone with information to talk about the recent events, the tension in the group was palpable as they walked the streets, each lost in their own thoughts about the investigation.

Suddenly Joshua's phone rang breaking the silence, he quickly answered it his expression shifting from confusion to concern as he listened to Emma's voice on the other end

"Hey Emma what's going on, we were supposed to meet up after the day." He spoke confused

Emma's voice came through the phone her words sending a chill down Joshua's spine
"Me and Tyler think that the murderer is not a person but an ancient German demon named Rache" she explained urgently "We found information about a mass murder that took place in the 60's very much like the deaths that happened lately, and we believe that this guy who survived he's an old man's brother, he could maybe help us find out where this book that's connected to the demon might be."

Joshua's eyes widened in shock as he relayed Emma's words to the rest of the group
"A demon?" he repeated incredulously his mind racing with the implications of their discovery.

Michael, Hannah, and Lindsey exchanged alarmed glances, the gravity of the situation sinking in, the idea of a supernatural entity being responsible for the recent murders was almost too much to comprehend.

After a moment of stunned silence Joshua spoke up his voice firm with resolve
"We need to meet up with Emma and Tyler right away and see what's happening" he declared his tone leaving no room for argument "If there's any chance this guy knows something about this demon or where to find the book she mentioned, we need to find him and ask him some questions, because if we're dealing with something that's an ancient demon we can't afford to waste time interviewing the locals."

The group nodded in agreement as they quickly made plans to rendezvous with Emma and Tyler, as they set off towards their meeting point their minds raced with the possibilities of what they might uncover and the dangers that lay ahead.

Later in the afternoon
The two cars approached the looming building of the insane asylum their tires crunching against the gravel driveway as they came to a stop, Tyler and Michael emerged from their respective vehicles followed closely by the rest of the group, their footsteps echoing in the quiet of the afternoon.

As they all gathered outside the entrance a sense of unease settled over them the imposing structure casting a shadow over their intentions, they exchanged nervous glances their minds racing with thoughts of what lay ahead.

"So how do we get inside?" Lindsey asked her voice breaking the silence that hung heavy in the air.

Joshua furrowed his brow in thought his gaze fixed on the imposing doors of the asylum. "We'll have to find a way to get access to speak with the guy they won't let just anyone ask to talk with someone."

Tyler nodded in agreement
"Joshua's right they won't just let anyone talk to patients, but I can show my FBI badge," he suggested reaching into his pocket to retrieve and show it "We're allowed to investigate in the area so they should grant us access to speak with him once they know I'm an agent."

The group showed their approval, reassured by Tyler's suggestion, With their plan in place they set off towards the entrance of the asylum their footsteps echoing against the cold concrete.

As they approached the imposing doors and entered they went to the front desk where a woman was seated

The lady behind the desk spoke
"Hello, here to see anyone today?"

Tyler stepped forward with his badge held out
"Here to see Milton Fryer."

The lady was in shock
"Okay he's in room 18 sir."

Once further inside they found themselves in a dimly lit hallway, the sound of muffled voices, screaming and distant footsteps filled the air, adding to the sense of foreboding that hung over them like a shroud.

Tyler continued to lead the way as he navigated the labyrinthine corridors of the asylum, the group followed closely behind, their senses on high alert as they searched for the room where the survivor of the massacre was being held.

Finally they arrived at their destination, standing outside the door to the room where the man was being kept. The group hesitated for a moment to discuss

Lindsey bringing up a point
"Let's not startle this guy, he's probably as scared as we are and he's been through a lot, we shouldn't just barge in."

Emma nodded
"Yeah, let's have an easy approach."

Taking a deep breath Tyler pushed the door open revealing a dimly lit room, Inside they found a frail-looking man sitting in a wheelchair with terror in his ears staring outside the asylum window as he hummed to himself.

The group looked at each other as they decided how to approach him and what to do next.

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