Chapter 10: Murder University

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The drive to Crestwood University was a somber one each passing mile weighed heavily on Joshua's mind as he navigated through the familiar streets that led to their old college campus. Memories of their time as students flooded back overshadowed by the grim reality of the murders the college has faced over the years.

As they drove in silence the weight of the past hung heavy in the air casting a pall over their thoughts. It was Michael who broke the silence his voice soft and tinged with melancholy.

"Do you ever think about what happened back then during the night Kevin and Matt were caught?" he asked his gaze fixed on the road ahead.

Joshua nodded, his expression grave.
"All the time" he admitted
"It's hard not to considering everything that happened that night and the week leading to it."

Their conversation turned to the events that had unfolded a decade prior when their college days at Crestwood University had been marred by tragedy. Kevin and Matt two former classmates and teammates of Joshua's baseball team turned into murderers, it had wreaked havoc on their campus claiming the lives of Jessica, Gretchen, and their friend Kayla and maybe even more if they were never caught.

"It's still surreal to think about"
Michael mused his voice tinged with sadness. "We were just kids back then honestly just caught up in something we never could have imagined, Tyler almost died and you were on the brink of something awful happening."

Joshua nodded in agreement his grip tightening on the steering wheel.
"We had to go after them though and find out who they were what they were capable of and we did it and brought peace to the school and town." he recalled the memories still fresh in his mind.

Their conversation took a somber turn as they remembered the night that had changed their lives forever, Michael recounted how he and Hannah had saved Joshua's life risking their own safety to free him from Kevin and Matt's clutches when he was against that tree.

"I'll never forget that night" Joshua admitted his voice hoarse with emotion
"If it weren't for you and Hannah I don't know if I would have made it out alive and been here today."

Michael reached out, placing a comforting hand on Joshua's shoulder
"We were just looking out for each other" he said softly. "That's what friends do and you would have done the same for us."

As they neared Crestwood University the weight of their past hung heavy in the air a constant reminder of the darkness that lurked just beneath the surface. But despite the pain and the heartache they knew that they had each other and that was enough to carry them through whatever lay ahead.

As they pulled up to the university the scene before them was one of controlled chaos, Police cars lined the streets their lights flashing ominously against the backdrop of the night sky, crime scene tape cordoned off a section of the campus marking the area where the latest tragedy had unfolded.

Joshua and Michael exchanged a silent glance as they stepped out of their car the gravity of the situation settling over them like a heavy shroud, they could see Police Chief James already on the scene, his presence commanding respect and authority amidst the flurry of activity.

James spotted them and made his way over his expression grave as he greeted them with a nod
"Glad you two could make it, We've got a serious situation on our hands here."

Joshua and Michael nodded in acknowledgment their senses on high alert as they took in the scene before them, Crime units bustled about collecting evidence and interviewing witnesses their actions a grim reminder of the violence that had once again hit the campus.

James then spoke again his face etched with concern.
"It's a girl student named Ashley Azolone" he informed them gravely his voice heavy with sorrow "She was a new freshman on campus."

The mention of the name Azolone sent a shockwave through Joshua and Michael
Joshua spoke up
"Azolone? Like Emma Azolone?" he asked his voice barely above a whisper.

Michael's expression mirrored Joshua's shock as they both contemplated the possibility that Ashley might be related to their old friend Emma who had also attended Crestwood University.

The weight of the revelation hung heavy in the air as they exchanged a glance their minds racing with memories of their time at Crestwood University. Emma had been a close friend who had helped solve the last murders, and the thought of her family enduring such a tragedy filled them with a profound sense of sorrow.

Joshua's voice was tinged with emotion as he spoke his words carefully chosen
"Do you think she's related to Emma?" he asked his voice betraying the hope that lingered in his heart.

James shook his head his expression somber. "It's too early to say for sure on anyone she may be related to" he admitted "But it's certainly a possibility we'll need to explore once we examine the body."

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of another officer who approached James with a sense of urgency, James excused himself briefly to confer with the officer leaving Joshua and Michael to contemplate the grim reality of the situation.

As they stood amidst the chaos of the crime scene their thoughts turned to Emma and the memories they shared with her, they haven't heard from her in years and now they might be reconnected from this tragedy and crime.

The two couldn't shake the feeling of déjà vu that washed over him, It had been ten years since the last murder at Crestwood University but the memories of that dark chapter in their lives still lingered.

As James was gone Michael and Joshua spotted the crime scene
The sight that greeted them was a chilling one
a young student laying lifeless on the ground surrounded by a pool of which one could assume was her own blood, the scene was eerily reminiscent of the murders that had plagued the campus a decade ago sending a shiver down their spines.

Joshua spoke up his voice tinged with urgency. "We need to find out who did this and fast, the last thing we need is another killer on the loose."

Michael nodded in agreement
"Yeah, I don't like the look of this it's giving me major flashbacks."

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