Chapter 23: Not Human

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Tyler stood amidst the gruesome scene, his expression grave as he surveyed the carnage before him, three FBI agents laid sprawled on the floor their bodies mutilated in a manner that spoke of extreme violence, beside him stood another agent, their face etched with a mixture of shock and horror.

"This isn't a normal murder scene" Tyler muttered his voice heavy with concern as he studied the scene
"We've been watching this place non-stop and there's no way somebody had the time it would take to do this, this would have taken several hours, and it would have been very loud and noticeable to all of us."

The other agent nodded grimly their eyes fixed on the grisly sight before them
"Whoever did this must have had help," they speculated "And they must have known exactly what they were doing to take out three agents without anyone noticing."

Tyler was deep in thought as he considered the implications of the scene before him, whoever was behind these murders was not only skilled but also brazen enough to carry out such a brutal attack in the heart of the FBI's jurisdiction.

"We need to find out who's responsible for this very soon" Tyler said firmly his jaw set with determination
"And we need to do it fast before anyone else gets killed."

With that he turned away from the scene for other agents to come and look, his mind already racing with possibilities and theories, the hunt for the killer had just become even more urgent, and Tyler was determined to see it through to the end no matter the cost.

In the confines of the FBI lab, Tyler and his boss Bradley anxiously awaited news on the DNA testing of the bodies, they watched intently as the technicians worked meticulously their movements methodical as they analyzed samples and data from the bodies.

Finally one of the technicians approached them with a perplexed expression on his face,
He cleared his throat before speaking his voice tinged with confusion.

"There is absolutely no DNA left on any of them" he began his face showing puzzlement "But that's not even the worst part, it appears they all died at the exact same time somehow."

Tyler's eyes widened in shock his mind struggling to comprehend the news brought to the situation. "The exact same time?" he questioned.

The technician nodded his expression confused and saddened
"Yes and that's not all" he continued his tone somber "They all appear to have been pulled apart by force, there's no evidence of any knife or blade wounds, no indication of a weapon being involved at all just brute force."

Tyler's jaw tightened as he processed the information his mind racing with confusion "You mean somebody had the strength to rip them apart?" he asked incredulously his voice tinged with disbelief.

The technician shook his head his expression troubled
"It puzzles me too" he admitted his voice heavy with uncertainty
"But that's what the evidence suggests, it's as if they were torn apart by sheer force alone, nothing else."

Bradley exchanged a concerned glance with Tyler, while in deep thought
"This changes everything" his voice low with concern
"We need to reevaluate our approach to this case now, whatever we're dealing with it's far more dangerous than we initially thought, there's no way any human could have done that, especially not alone."

As the weight of the revelation settled over them the FBI knew that they were facing an enemy unlike any they had encountered before.

Tyler walking out just kept asking himself
"What person is capable of this."

Meanwhile In the dimly lit confines of a prison cell Matt and Kevin sat huddled together their faces etched with worry and tension after hearing news about the Crestwood murders, they conversed with an unseen deep voice Kevin voiced his discontent with the recent turn of events.

"Yo man this wasn't the deal at all" Kevin exclaimed his voice laced with frustration
"I said bitches only and I said how to kill, I specifically said to make it out mark, to leave our legacy not to do that shit, that shit's just disgusting, and I knew the feds won't think of us now, what's the point in saying long live Kevin and Matt? I said knife killings and make it cool not this stupid shit."

Matt nodded in agreement his expression annoyed. "Yeah, bro that wasn't like us" he admitted his voice tinged with regret "We want to end the deal, you should just go back wherever you came."

The voice emanating from the darkness spoke in an eerily deep tone sending shivers down their spines
"I do what I want" it intoned its words chilling to the bone "I only needed you two as an entrance, I did what you wanted, now I do what I want."

Kevin's confusion turned to anger as he asserted his authority
"No, that's not how this works bitch" he declared his voice growing more defiant. "Me and Matt are the bosses here, not you."

Suddenly without warning Matt began to choke his face turning blue as he clawed desperately at his throat gasping for air,

"Yo Matt bro what's wrong man?" Kevin screamed his voice filled with panic and disbelief.

Then what happened next was unbelievable
Kevin watched in horror as his friend's body was lifted into the air torn apart before his very eyes by an unseen force.

But before he could react Kevin found himself unable to move his body frozen in place as he witnessed the gruesome demise of his friend Matt, he screamed for help his voice echoing off the cold stone walls of the prison cell
"Help! Help! Somebody!"
But it was too late, with a sickening crunch Kevin's own head split in half exploding over the prison cell walls, ending his cries for help in a horrifying crescendo of violence.

As silence descended once more upon the cell the unseen presence lingered its malevolent presence hanging heavy in the air, it had now shown it had control over Crestwood and the prison and who knows what else,
The deaths of Matt and Kevin served as just the beginning a simple reminder of the darkness that once lurked now coming out, a warning to all of Crestwood.

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