debut of ghost dragon ninja

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Royal woods during 12:15 am

On top of the top building with white crimson ninja and her sidekick ghost dragon ninja standing at edge of roof looking for crimes from down below.

Ghost dragon ninja: "how's your wife doing may I ask?"

White crimson ninja: "great she and other catchers captured wild tera pokemon in every universes."

Ghost dragon ninja: "you two started family to adopted a kid lately?"

White crimson ninja: "no because we're working everytime there no time to start planing a family to adopted a kid just yet."

Ghost dragon ninja: "okay."

They then noticed four burglars at closed down pawn shop across the street and she said to her in polite, "it's showtime, squirt. Did you learn kung fu martial arts lately?" She replied, "I learned it from mom in age of nine at section 27 dojo room."

White crimson ninja: "Atta girl."


One of burglars turned at the trio with coy grin on his face and said, "let do it boys to steal some worth stuff." They agreed with him and approach the store was about to break in with a brick on leader right hand until they heard a voice by person from behind, "geeze you guys wanna stole worth items instead of money." They turned around in fear to see white crimson ninja along with her new sidekick standing in the road.

Leader: "it's white crimson ninja, she got a friend with her."

White crimson ninja: "that's right punk, she's my new sidekick."

Ghost dragon ninja: "ghost dragon ninja."

Leader: "get' em."

They running toward the duo and started fighting while being watched by section 46 invisible probe droid from above them  with camera for everyone watched in mission control room at section 46.

At upper balcony platform with captain nano, mistress fluttershy wearing green shirt with a blue paw print and yellow underneath it, and angel bunny very impressed at Megan Ketchum due roundhouse kick on third burglar in the stomach and another one too

Mistress fluttershy: "not bad for Megan, she took out two burglars as ghost dragon ninja."

Captain nano: "yup."

Back at battle

Ghost dragon ninja: "take this punk! Hawlucha uppercut braveon."

She uppercut another one in the jaw causes falling down on the ground became out cold that impress from white crimson ninja who delivered a punch another one in the cheek hard goes down and out cold after that.

White crimson ninja: "nice kung fu move kiddo."

Ghost dragon ninja: "thanks I made that one myself since yesterday."

White crimson ninja: "noice."

Both of them running in ninja speed straight toward the leader for a second and take a leap toward him begins delivered kung fu move together.

White crimson ninja/ghost dragon ninja: "madromoff double heel kicks on newpepoe!"

Back at mlp alternate world number four

Ponyville at 1:43 pm

Trixie still town square at her cart just combing her mane with brush to looking at herself in the mirror for a moment until she stop brushing her hair turned forward of surprise to see spike sparkle again.

Trixie: "hey, what are you doing here?"

Spike: "checked everything that's all for wild tera pokemon show up in town."

Trixie: "everything good. (Thought) he's cute for hairless monkey."

Spike: "great, I'll tell my boss from shadowbolt alpha strike at HQ about it."

Trixie: "really I want to meet boss of your sometimes."

Spike: "of course."

[New chapter is out for today]

white crimson ninja beyond vol. 2: new generation begins part 1Where stories live. Discover now