Heidi first love sight

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Randy Cunningham original universe

On Wednesday September 22th, 2012 in Norrisville during 3:17 pm

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

On Wednesday September 22th, 2012 in Norrisville during 3:17 pm

Norrisville high school

In second level corridor with Heidi Weinerman talking to Theresa Fowler Rachel, and Debbie kang when suddenly a portal show up in middle of corridor behind Heidi in seven feet away cause her turned around to see it that alarm everyone when Doug lo...

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

In second level corridor with Heidi Weinerman talking to Theresa Fowler Rachel, and Debbie kang when suddenly a portal show up in middle of corridor behind Heidi in seven feet away cause her turned around to see it that alarm everyone when Doug look at principal slimovitz and said, "principal slimovitz! There's supernatural portal appears in middle of corridor." He give out annoying grunt and said, "really Doug! Tattling on supernatural portal." It begins open up to reveal section 27 Northwest corridor with Madison Yvonne walk through portal to corridor with them make Heidi blushed so hard to see arm muscle on girl jumpsuit sleeve as she said to her in kindness, "Heidi Weinerman."

Heidi: "yes cutie."

She got smirk grin to hearing 'cutie' from Heidi and think she got a crushed on her  and she replied back, "you come with me in section 27 for my mom, captain Yvonne wanted to recruit her." Principal slimovitz eyes went wide to hearing section 27 and captain Yvonne from Madison mouth as he walk up to her with huge grin on his face and said, "your the daughter of legendary heroine of universe, Serena Yvonne the right hand woman of captain black the head of section 13 in his original universe." Madison replied, "correct principal dude."

Principal slimovitz: "that's so Bruce, I want to meet your mother please."

Madison: "of course follow us then."

They walked through the portal along principal slimovitz, thereas Fowler Rachel, and Debbie kang to section 27 corridor towards main lobby quick and portal closed after that with Randy Cunningham and Howard Weinerman standing there this whole time."

Randy: "what the juice just happened?"

Howard: "yeah, Cunningham. I need tell you something."

Back with Madison's group just arrived at section 27 main lobby that surprise principal slimovitz inside section 27 underneath the kalos region including captain Yvonne and her wife walk up to them.

Captain Yvonne: "greetings Heidi Weinerman, I am Serena Yvonne the head of section 27 and I'm recruiting you as wild tera pokemon catcher and my daughter rookie to teach you learned kung fu."

Heidi: "sounds good to me."

Principal slimovitz walk up to her bit and said, "captain Yvonne, it been honored to meet you in person for first time because you and your friends are legends to save the universes from shendu, his siblings, and the rest back in your day." Captain Yvonne and Shauna smile pride to hear that from principal slimovitz about them back in their day and she noticed trio of girls with them.

Captain Yvonne: "how do you three girls want to join my section as wild tera pokemon catchers."

Theresa: "of course."

Debbie: "absolutely."

Rachel: "why not."

[New chapter is out for today]

white crimson ninja beyond vol. 2: new generation begins part 1Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum