"There is no more reason left to stay in Sydney."


The next day, outside the airport Taehyung took out the suitcases and bags for Jiyoung along with his own.

"I want to see the expression on Jimin's face when he'll realize I am living in his city." Jiyoung smirked wearing her sunglasses, "What did he say to me? He'll get me? TCHH WE'LL SEE!"

Taehyung shook his head, staring at Jiyoung.

"I'll be rubbing it on his face, that I was living under your rule and you still failed to get me you loser!"

"FIRST REACH SEOUL AND THEN SHOUT!" Jiyoung flinched as Taehyung shouted walking past her.

"What's wrong to be happy." Jiyoung scoffed flicking back her hair as walked in the airport.

Another car got parked outside, and  coming out with luggage were Chan and Felix.

Chan removed his glasses as sighed looking at the airport.
He moved his hands to grab his bag and looked at Felix who was busy in his phone.

"What are you watching Felix?" He asked,

"Hayun and Mingyu are in Seoul too."

"Just stop stalking them." Chan sighed rolling his eyes, "I don't want to know--"

"Mingyu is opening a catering services of his own and Hayun helped him." Felix shared with wide eyes and Chan snatched away the phone from him.

"Chan hyung, this Hayun is using your template of the office and plan and helping this Mingyu! What a bitc- I mean seriously she fell this low!?" Felix groaned annoyingly.

Chan's eyes scanned the phone screen, his heart breaking in disbelief.

It was Mingyu standing outside a office, named Kim Catering Services and the design was similar to Chan's one in Sydney. Even the menu on their social media platforms was exactly like Chan's one.

Hayun was an event planner, and she was there with Chan during his start of that business.
Seeing this Chan could feel his blood boiling.

"Fuck them." Chan gritted under his breath as gave Felix back his phone.

"But this is wro-"

"What will we possibly do? Shout and cry that he stole our business?  Our business is closed Felix, we are doomed our life, it is doomed." Chan spit in frustration and hurried inside the airport.

Jiyoung standing at the entry gate watched Chan going in.
She licked her lips as shook her head looking at him.

"He's seriously doomed." She muttered under her breath and Taehyung looked at her in confusion,

"What happened?" He asked curiously and Jiyoung pointed at Chan ahead.

"Another sad man." She let out a deep breath,

Taehyung blinked pouting as looked at the man she pointed.

"Another? Who else is?" He asked blinking innocently,

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