There then was a horrific sting as my gills gasped for breath as we began to fall at an angle, plunging back under the waves as we continued to dive deep, gaining speed: 70, 80, 90...100 miles per hour and still accelerating!

More bubbles formed, protecting us from the debris in the open ocean as seaweed at these speeds would be like hitting a knife without protection!

I loved watching Sedna. Her arms were so precise as they sailed through the water, sometimes butterflying to her side as she took a break and then breaststroke them forward once more. Her blonde tresses hypnotically floated behind her like a jellyfish, protecting her youngest child.

Her large, seven-foot-long silvery-blue tail curled up and down with fluid ease, propelling us forward as we dove deeper into the abyss...turning away from the harm of the Surface world.

Most mermaids liked to swim around four to five thousand feet down as debris was scarce at this level, and most human activity seemed to pollute the ocean from surface to about 100 feet down. It wasn't uncommon to fly into a piece of plastic from time to time, it just move on from it...while cursing the bipedal creatures above!

We begin to slow down as Sedna feels safer at this depth. She allows me to float off of her back as we hovered at about 5,000 feet below the waves. Safe from humans and most apex predators like sharks. Most fish do not swim any deeper than 1,800 feet: like salmon, for example.

As the food becomes scarce pass 2,000 feet. Sharks, like the great white, tend to cut off at around 2,600 feet, and whales tend to cut off at 6,500 feet due to the pressure and needing to remain close to the surface for air as they do not have gills like us mermaids.

As for humans, 851 feet is the record without scuba. Though most prefer around 0 to 60 feet when freediving. However, they can submerge in tin cans to about 35,858 feet before their sub imploded due to the immense pressure.

For humans, the underwater world of the ocean was far deadlier than outer space!

Mermaids tend to live between four to six thousand feet down. However, the Kingdom of Oceanid, in the Atlantic Ocean, is the deepest of all the kingdoms, at around 11,000 feet below!

Looking around, it was still very floating in a psychedelic dream of all colors, shapes, smells, and sounds blending into an endless melody. Sedna looked over at me and gave a startled gasp, stunned.

[What is it?] I asked, concerned, as we hover there in the seemingly endless deep. Sedna pointed at her own face, to direct what she was seeing.

[I do not want to alarm you, my love. But your face...!]

[My face? What about it?] as I felt the soft, plush skin, feeling that it was somehow related to my change. I could not help but wonder if my voice has even changed as it sounds much higher to my inner ear. But I am not certain if it was due to water distortion, pressure...or simply speaking 'mermaid.'

Sedna then twisted and contorted her hand as she formed a small bubble, which greatly increased to the size of a volleyball. When she let it go, the bubble kept its shape as she touched it and it began to transform into a jelly that began to reflect like a mirror!

[How did that?] I asked as I looked at the miracle floating in the water.

[Every kingdom possesses a unique talent given to us during the Fall...this skill however I had acquired from lessons from the Mizu mermaids. I will teach it to you one day.] she offered as I smiled [As you may have noticed, we do not have any reflective surfaces down here.]

I floated towards the glowing bubble and looked at the reflection inside. The first thing that I saw was my face. It was a whole lot younger now. When I first encountered Sedna, I was about 13 years old, but now I look about 7 years old if I had to take a guess. My blonde-white hair floated around my shoulders, gently moving with the current that added surface oxygen to the water.

Atlantean Doctrine Book 6 - The Mermaid's Egg (TG/TF Story)Where stories live. Discover now