His throat emits a low, primal sound—a growl of frustration. I sense his anger, but he refuses to release me. His lips graze my forehead, a bittersweet echo of Xavier's touch. Then he steps back, eyes darker than midnight.

"You can never care for me, Leizabeth," he declares, voice edged with command. "Whatever you feel, it must cease. It's an order. Hate me, but don't love me. Never! Understood?"

My tears teeter on the precipice, threatening to spill. His rejection shouldn't hurt, but it does. "I don't take orders from you," I retort, swallowing the ache.

"This time, you will."

We lock gazes, defiance warring with longing. "Get out," I snap. "I may not have banished you earlier, but I am now!"

His response is a blade: "You are a cold woman." If only he knew how fragile I truly felt.

I glance at the bed, desperate to hide my vulnerability. This time, I grab the cape and drape it over myself.

A chill breeze ghosts across my skin, and I shiver. He's gone, and relief should flood me. Instead, anger simmers. Anger at his words, his actions—the way they burrow under my skin. I want to scream, to unleash the tempest within.

I'm not sad; I'm furious. Not at Aldaire, but at myself. I vow to reclaim my dignity, to never stoop so low for a man of his ilk. My heart may ache, but I'll guard my soul fiercely. 

A sudden shatter of a glass alarms me. I look around and find Aldaire's cup in pieces beside his table. It is not the first time something like this happens but I do believe this might be getting out of control.

I hastily don my attire and join Himley by the stairs. She's in the company of others, her expression a delicate balance between intrigue and restraint. The handsome man in their midst has her pulse racing, and I can't blame her. Leo occupies a corner, engrossed in conversation with a mysterious woman. And then there's Xavier.

As if scripted, Xavier extends his hand, meeting me halfway down the hall. His touch settles on the small of my back, and our eyes lock. A spark ignites, and my heartbeat stumbles into chaos. I break the connection, my cheeks aflame. From my peripheral vision, I catch the curve of his tempting lips. Adrenaline surges through my veins.

Words elude me. Embarrassment swirls, but thankfully, no one seems to notice my flustered state. Yet, beneath it all, there's a residue of something Aldaire stirred within me. Could Xavier be doing the same?

Aldaire's throat clears as he enters the room. Xavier's warmth lingers on my skin, but Aldaire's presence yanks me back to reality. I sidestep, and Xavier's hand falls away.

"Remember that favor you promised me?" Xavier's lips edge into a knowing smile. His breath ghosts over my jaw, and I fight to maintain composure. He's comforted me in countless ways; it's only fair I repay the debt. After all, he left an indelible impression on me that day.

I feign innocence. "I don't know what you're talking about."

But oh, I know. Xavier's allure is etched into my memory, and forgetting him is an impossibility. Not that I want to. 

His words linger, a tantalizing promise. "I'd be glad to refresh your memories."

"Oh! Really?" I keep my gaze on the visitors, feigning nonchalance. But inside, I'm a tempest of curiosity and nerves.

"Spending significant time with you is a reward well paid." Xavier's voice is a velvet caress, stirring something deep within me.

Ordinarily, Xavier would be the man I'd date—charming, magnetic. But Aldaire... Aldaire ignites inexplicable feelings. It's as if someone else's emotions are awakening in me, unbidden. I want it to stop, but it refuses to be tamed.

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