Chapter 9

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After a while of thinking, and five white claws later, I decided I was going to continue this deal with him. It was only for six months and then I never had to see him again. I would give him a chance to explain himself, pretend to forgive him, then go on like nothing happened. In turn, he is going to continue this deal under new rules that I made up last night. There would not be another incident and he would have to agree to these new terms or else I would break off the deal. Then he could handle the situation with his fiancé himself.

I would go talk to him today and be kind but firm on my change in plans. There was no way I was going to let this asshole try and switch it around on me. I couldn't just ignore this and let it roll off my back, pretending it never happened. The hard truth is it did happen, and I still had the stomach bruise to prove that this wasn't just something to be ignored. It still feels crazy that I'm still going though with all of this. But, my parents raised someone academically smart, not street smart.

Finally settling down I went to get ready to see Rafael, making sure every word I was going to say to him was planned out. I only had this one chance to convey all my rules and how I was feeling to him. I wasn't going to blow it because I got nervous. My hair was extra curly today so I decided to just throw it back into a loose ponytail to keep it at bay. I picked out a semi-nice T-shirt that has the school logo on it and a black pair of skinny jeans that I'm pretty sure I haven't worn since freshman year of college. I was contemplating for a while whether I should throw on makeup or not, considering if that asshole deserved to see me dolled up or not. But in the end I decided that I was wearing this makeup for me not him so I rushed to get my new makeup bag from under my bed. I know Cara isn't here anymore but I still have this urge to hide all of my belongings. With a little bit of pink blush and some lip gloss I feel that's good enough for today. Like I said, I have zero reason to want to impress Rafael. All I needed to do was make a statement and I think this subtle outfit and makeup should do the trick.

Glancing at myself one more time, making sure that I didn't look like absolute garbage, I took one more deep breath before heading out the door. I feel like I'm really ready to talk with him and sort things out. My mind was finally calm enough to have a civil conversation with him without ripping his head off.

I opened the door with a smile on my face knowing that I was confident in what was about to be done.

That's what I thought at least. Suddenly the second I stepped out of the door all I saw was sudden darkness. It happened so fast I didn't have time to react or process what had just happened. Trying to struggle out of whatever was happening wasn't doing me any good. I figured out that it was a cloth over my head and that someone was holding me under it. Wanting to scream so loudly for help wasn't an option right now. I knew that having this around my head I would suddenly run out of air if I did that.

I don't know who this person is or why this was happening but instead of fighting it I stopped resisting so that I could conserve my strength for when it really counted. The second this thing came off my head I was going to give this person the beating of a lifetime. But I felt sleepy all of the sudden. All of the energy I had in me suddenly disappeared. Before I knew it everything went dark.

When I finally awoke I was in a nice looking house in a gorgeous room. It had white marble flooring, two massive double doors with golden door knobs, a glass chandelier hanging above the bed, and as for the bed it was a massive king size bed with violet silk sheets. Whoever had kidnapped me was rich, which only meant one thing. It had to be someone connected to Rafael. There was no other explanation as to why I would be in some rich person's house or to why I would have been kidnapped in the first place.

Knowing I would have to explain myself to whomever captured me I scrambled to find some way to get myself out of this without being harmed or having to harm anyone else. That idea of beating someone up left my mind as soon as I figured out it was someone rich. They probably had guards and security ready to kill anyone who harms them, which I'm not trying to die today.

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