Chapter 3

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Waking up the next day almost felt like I was still in a dream. Honestly the whole of last night felt like a dream, but here I was in Rafael's room. The whole room smelled like him, a faint smell of cologne in the air mixed with a natural musk that he carried with him. It was really gross and I don't understand why people like 'natural musk' so much, to me it just shows you don't take care of your personal hygiene.

I take a minute to wake up and I feel oddly refreshed, more so than any other night that I've been at college. I truly didn't want it to end but sadly reality is cruel and it was almost time for first period class. Knowing Cara, if I didn't show up at our dorm within the next ten minutes she would have a freak out on me yet again. Even though she's the one who locked me out of our room I would still be the one to suffer the consequences.

When I awoke and got out of bed I let out a long yawn and a big stretch, the kind where your whole body twitches; those are the best kind of stretches. Reaching over to my phone to look at the time I quickly snapped awake, I had exactly ten minutes to get dressed and get to class. Panicking, I jumped out of this stranger's bed and threw on the outfit that I had on the day before. Not caring that my hair wasn't brushed or that my makeup was still on from the day before, I rushed out of the door to sprint off to class(the amount of sprinting I've done in the past 24 hours is inhumane I swear). Just as I'm about to walk out the door there is a note sitting to the right of me that caught my eye, well mainly because it was addressed to me.

"Meet me after school like we talked about last night. It wasn't a joke, and I wasn't trying to mess with you, don't back out on me now. You're bestie, Rafael."

Wait so that conversation actually happened last night? I thought that it was just something from my dream, because I thought there was no way me and my mortal enemy were about to team up. To my surprise, though, it was not a dream. This was real life and there was no telling what he would want to make a deal on.

I snap out of it and sprint out of the door but when I step out of the door a woman is waiting outside of the door. She has dark black hair, brown eyes, and is wearing all pink. We have a staring contest for a couple of seconds before she finally speaks up,

"What were you doing in Rafael's room?"

"He forgot something in his room and asked me to get it. He said since he didn't have time in between classes he just wanted me to grab it on my way back to my dorm." I say, hoping that my lie was believable.

"I know you aren't telling the truth," she says, crossing her arms and getting closer to me, "I know you were in there last night. I watched both of you going in there and watched the whole ordeal with the RA. If you don't want me to tell Neil what went down in there I suggest you listen loud and clear to my next words. Stay away from Rafael, I won't warn you again."

Before I could even respond back she gives me one last glare, turns around, and walks away. I have no idea who that just was but I have a feeling I don't want to know. I'm guessing it's just another Rafael obsessed woman, I mean the man practically has a whole fan club so I wouldn't be surprised. Something about that felt off, though, the way she spoke seemed like she meant business. I don't really know nor do I have the time to care right now as the clock was ticking for my class to begin.

Luckily the fates were on my side today and I made it to class with thirty seconds to spare. Sweat dripping down my face and back I sit down in the back of class and take those thirty seconds to cool off and take a breath. I look around because I feel something piercing the back of my head, only to find Cara death staring at me from the front row. Even from all the way down there she really knew how to intimidate someone. I mouth sorry to her and shrugged my shoulders, but what did she expect? She not only locked me out of my own room but laughed while doing it, then expected me to be to class on time. She truly is something else.

A Dangerous DealHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin