Chapter 6

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I, in fact, did not have another hot waiter beach dream. This specific dream involved Rafael, well more like a nightmare. Him and I were married and had a bunch of babies that I had to take care of while he was God knows where. It was an awful dream, so much so that I woke up in a foul mood because of it. Knowing I had to see his face right after this dream happened made my mood worse. I swear if he said anything stupid today I'm going to call the whole thing off. Alright, maybe not call the whole thing off but maybe a little more attitude then normal would do him some good.

    I finished getting ready, which in my case my definition of getting ready was just throwing my hair into a messy bun and brushing my teeth. I wasn't going to change out of the outfit I slept in just for that jerk. In reality he doesn't need to see me in anything nice other than when I have to look the part.

    I hear my phone go off with the vibration on my bed. I pick up my phone and turn it on to see Rafael's dumb name staring me in the face. I clicked on the message to see what he could possibly want.

    Rafael: Hey, do you think we could meet up in your room again? I would suggest mine but my roommate isn't leaving today no matter how much I pleaded for him to leave.

Rhea: You know, I had a funny feeling you were going to say something like this so I already mentally prepared myself. Sure, that's fine if you come over but make sure no one sees you, especially Neil. I don't think either of us wants to deal with that guy today, he seems like he always has a stick up his ass.

Rafael: Haha, you're right. He does always seem like that. Don't worry, I'm the king at being sneaky. I don't ever get caught so there isn't anything to worry about sweetie ;)

I decided to leave him on read after that text. Especially after that winky face; gross. He seriously was the most self-centered and egotistical man I've ever met. Every time I think I can try and get along with him, he pulls some shit like that, and it just makes me feel sick. Honestly, I don't know what I'm thinking getting involved with him.

No, that's not true I do know what I'm thinking. I get to be free, just have to keep reminding myself of that. Once this is all over, I can say thank you and finally find something I'm passionate about. But my God was he making it difficult for me to want to keep this deal.

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