|26| Christmas Time, Mistletoe and Mine

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It was the beginning of the Winter Break, and most everyone at Hogwarts was heading home for Christmas. Theo hugged her friends goodbye for now, as Poppy headed home with Sebastian to see her gran, Anne went with Imelda for Christmas with the Reyes family, Natty and her mother were travelling back to Uganda, Garreth headed home to the Weasley clan, and Theo was heading home to her parents with a very nervous Slytherin in tow.

Farewells said, Theo took Ominis' hand as they departed Platform 9 3/4 and headed through Kings Cross Station. Ominis, who had spent hardly any time in the muggle world, was a bit disgruntled about not being able to have his wand out as they made their way through the bustling station, but he trusted Theo to guide him, and at least since he was of age he would be able to use it to navigate again once they arrived.

Theo was admittedly rather nervous herself. It wasn't like she'd ever brought a boy home before, and while she was completely confident that her parents would adore Ominis regardless, she still felt a small bundle of anxious nerves in her tummy as they found a quiet place behind Kings Cross Station to apparate to their home.

Figuring out if Ominis could apparate was tricky, as given he couldn't see, he couldn't visualise where he wanted to go. But after a lot of practice, they found out if the directions to the place and the place itself were described in enough detail that he could usually manage it. Technically, Theo had taught herself how to apparate already, but as she wasn't legally of age just yet, they thought it was best for Ominis to try first so they didn't get into trouble. Not that being underage and not strictly being allowed to use magic outside of Hogwarts had stopped Theo once last year, but she was trying to do better in that regard until her birthday in a couple of weeks time.

Thankfully, they made it without much trouble and they landed only a minute or so away from their destination, which Theo was counting as a win. As they made the last tiny bit of the journey by foot, Ominis squeezed Theo's hand tight as he felt his nerves begin to rise the closer they got to the house.

"Are you sure this is alright? It's not too late for me to go," Ominis said anxiously.

"Don't be ridiculous. They're already expecting us both! And they're going to love you, Ominis. You're so wonderful, why wouldn't they?" Theo reassured him.

He smiled back at her as genuinely as he could, but despite her heartfelt words, he was still rather terrified. He hadn't exactly had the best experience with family, and it was incredibly important to him that he made a good first impression.

Theo knocked on the door to announce their arrival, before she clicked open the lock and opened the door. "Hello? We're home!" she called. Their house was modest and cosy. It wasn't small, but it wasn't too large either. The home was situated just outside of London as it became more rural, and a gorgeous wild field sat behind their garden. It was a fairly quiet street with not too many other houses, but close enough to the nearest town that it was only a couple of minutes walk away.

The first thing Ominis noticed when they entered was how warm it smelled, the fragrance immediately reminding him of Theo, cosy and inviting. It made him instantly feel more at ease.

"Darling! Oh, it's so wonderful to see you!" Theo's mother gushed as she ran to her, pulling her into a tight embrace.

"Hi, mum," Theo said softly, hugging her back just as tight. It was like a breath of relief, a warm hug from her mother after a long term apart.

"Oh, and you must be Ominis!" Her mother beamed as she let go of Theo. She pulled Ominis into a tight hug before he could object, and Theo had to bite her lip to stop from laughing at the look of horror on his face.

"It's- a pleasure to meet you, Mrs Elwood," Ominis managed to say through the tight squeeze.

"Call me Louise, please darling, or Lou if you prefer," Theo's mother said warmly. Ominis nodded shyly.

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