|1| Summer's End

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Author's Note

Thanks for clicking on my story! Just a quick note before you begin that this chapter is here to provide background on MC's feelings about events from last year and some about her past (pre-game) all of which is important later in the story so please do persevere through it, story begins properly in chapter 2! This is a slower burn story generally but will have some in depth character development.

Happy reading!

Theodosia had always been different, she'd known this all her life. Growing up the other children were always wary of her, and she had a hard time making friends. She did her best to be a normal child, but strange things always seemed to happen when she was around, and eventually people gave up trying to be her around her for long.

She looked down at the scars on her hands, left behind from burns she suffered in her fight against Ranrok, as he engulfed the caverns below Hogwarts in flames. The scars swirled around her hand and wrist like flames licking around them, and stood out against her skin. She sighed as she turned her hand around, watching how the light bounced off the shiny scars. Another weird thing about me, she thought.

She sat on a wooden bench on the small patio in the garden of her parent's home, watching as the sun slowly set on the horizon, casting a final, warm glow on her before it disappeared behind the trees. In her lap was a letter from her close friend, Poppy, who wrote that she was so excited to see Theo when they returned to Hogwarts in a few days' time.

As she watched the last of the sun's rays disappear, she reflected on the events of the previous year, when she joined Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as a fifth-year student, a most unusual occurrence. She remembers walking through the doors to the Great Hall for the first time, after she and Professor Fig had just narrowly escaped a series of dangerous events on their journey to the castle. She will never forget those first few moments, as she looked around the hall wide eyed at the huge stained-glass windows, the enchanted ceiling which cast a perfect twilight, twinkling with the light from a thousand floating candles, and of course the sea of students before her, eagerly taking her in as they whispered amongst themselves at the late arrival.

She remembers sitting down on the small stool and the sorting hat gasping to life as it noted she was much older than the others. It didn't take the hat long before it yelled out "Gryffindor!" and Theo was greeted by a loud cheer from the table ahead of her, an applauding wave of red welcoming her to their family.

She remembered her first few days, meeting her classmates and professors, attending her new lessons, exploring the castle. She smiled as she remembered the sense of wonder she felt as enchanted books flew around the halls and students soared around happily on their brooms on the grounds.

It sadly didn't take long for that sense of wonder to become infected with worry, as danger seemed to be around every corner after that first, fateful trip to Hogsmede with Natsai, as they barely managed to take down that troll. She sighed, thinking that was the start of it all. Rookwood, the poachers, Ashwinders, goblin loyalists... Ranrok.

She closed her eyes for a moment as memories from the last year flashed across her eyes. She let the ancient magic swirl around her hands for a moment, wondering how things might have turned out if she had never possessed these powers, if she had just been a normal witch. She scoffed at herself. 'Normal.' That's not a word she had ever used to describe herself, as she had always vehemently been anything but.

From a young age she knew she wasn't 'normal'. Her earliest memories at the orphanage affirmed just as much, as people were always hesitant around her, not wanting to be around her for too long. Weird energy, they called it. She smiled sarcastically as she thought about how ironic that was, not only was she a witch but she was able to wield a very rare form of ancient magic. It wasn't until a sweet couple came to the orphanage, looking for a child to take in after being unable to conceive their own, that someone finally took notice of her and didn't think her weird energy was all that weird at all.

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