|18| Girls Night

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Theo awoke to a gentle stream of light bathing the room in a soft glow, and the sounds of peaceful sleep beside her. She turned her head to see Ominis still dreaming beside her, and she smiled at the sight. They had decided to stay again in the Room of Requirement last night; by the time they'd gotten tired after their kissing session, it was way past curfew and they decided that wandering through the halls a little tipsy was probably not the best idea.

Theo reached out her hand to very softly sweep a piece of Ominis's hair from his eyes, trying not to disturb him. She watched a small smile creep onto his face while he slept peacefully. She wished she could see into his dreams, to fall into them with him. She lay there for a while, admiring the boy in front of her as he rested. She thought back to the night previous, their first proper date. It was a magical evening, with plenty of butterbeer and even more kisses. Theo blushed when she remembered how they had been tangled around one another on the couch, bringing her hand up to feel her swollen lips from their rather intense kissing session.

A short while later, Ominis stirred next to her. He opened his eyes sleepily and, sensing her awake in front of him, let a lazy smile adorn his face as he reached out for Theo. She let him pull her into his arms, sighing happily as he enveloped her.

"Good morning beautiful," he said huskily, kissing the top of her head.

"Good morning yourself," she said back, smiling and placing her own kiss on his cheek. "Did you sleep well?"

"Better than ever." He smiled down at her, relishing the feeling of waking up next to her.

"Me too," she mumbled contentedly into his chest, nestling in further.

Ominis chuckled and tightened his arms around her in response, holding her flush against him. They stayed there for a while, welcoming the day and enjoying the feel of each other until Ominis's stomach growled loudly.

Theo erupted into laughter and Ominis felt his face flush in embarrassment, but laughed all the same.

"Hungry are we?" Theo managed through her laughter.

"Perhaps a bit," Ominis said shyly, shaking his head at his damn stomach for ruining a perfectly blissful moment.

"Come on you, let's get you fed or I fear your stomach might growl at me again," Theo chuckled, extracting herself from his arms.

Ominis grumbled, not ready to let her go yet. He caught her arm as she moved away from him and pulled her back into his arms, peppering little kisses along her cheek and neck. Theo giggled as the soft touches tickled her skin, fighting against his arms that held her in place.

"Ominis! Stop-!" she breathed.

"Oh, but your laughter is so sweet," he cooed at her, continuing his gentle assault.

"Ominis!" she begged as his hands began to tickle her too. She fought against him, wrangling herself out of his grip until she could lean up beside him slightly, using her new vantage point to pin his arms down beside him. Ominis didn't seem to mind, raising his eyebrow at the new positioning and flashing her his signature cheeky grin. Theo flushed as she looked down at him, noticing how her body pressed against his, only a thin layer of pyjamas separating them.

"Have it your way, I'll happily concede if we can stay here like this," he teased, smiling widely at her.

"You are so naughty sometimes," Theo said, rolling her eyes at him.

"What can I say? My little Gryffindor is rubbing off on me," he mused.

"Don't you go blaming me for your bad behaviour!" Theo laughed at him, smacking his arm lightly but following it with a gentle kiss to his cheek.

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