|19| Time to Talk

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Ominis walked into the common room to find it relatively full for a Saturday evening. He had just said goodbye to Theo who was heading out for what she described as 'girls night', whatever that means. He had barely made it down the stairs when a familiar voice called to him.

"Ominis! Thank Merlin you're here, I am bored out of my mind," Sebastian moaned as he walked up to him.

"Nice to see you too Sebastian," Ominis returned with a roll of his eyes.

"I've hardly seen you recently, you don't even sleep in the dorm sometimes now! Where exactly do you and Theo keep running off to?" Sebastian questioned.

"That would be between she and I, Sebastian," Ominis sighed.

"Ugh. Well, whatever, you're here now. Let's get out of the common room, please, I need something to do other than reading all the time," Sebastian complained. Ominis shrugged his shoulders in response, and taking this as a yes, Sebastian grabbed Ominis by the sleeve and dragged him back up the stairs and out of the common room.

"Where exactly are we going?" Ominis asked him.

"No idea mate, but I can't be cooped up in that common room a moment longer," Sebastian whined.

"You've hardly been cooped up in there. You're so dramatic sometimes Sebastian, honestly," Ominis laughed." And anyway, don't think I haven't noticed how much time you've been spending with Poppy these last few weeks," Ominis pointed out.

"I- well, someone had to keep me entertained, didn't they! You two are off canoodling all the time, and Anne still isn't speaking to me. Poppy has been kind enough to keep me company," Sebastian replied, a grin stretching across his face as he spoke.

"And what kind of 'company' is she keeping you, dare I ask?" Ominis asked.

"Don't be so crude Ominis, she's just been a good friend is all," Sebastian smacked Ominis on the arm at the presumption. "I don't appreciate the accusation that I've been anything short of a gentleman with her," he finished defiantly.

"Ah yes, Sebastian, gentlemanly is definitely the word I would use to describe you," Ominis replied, voice laced with sarcasm.

"Yeah yeah, we weren't all raised with proper etiquette training you know," Sebastian sighed, shoving Ominis, who just laughed at him. "Anyway, what shall we do tonight? Not had you to myself for ages!" Sebastian said cheerily.

"Undercroft?" Ominis asked.

"Undercroft," Sebastian agreed.

They headed through the quiet halls toward the hidden entrance, checking no one was around before they tapped the clock faces and heard the familiar whirring of gears as the door to the Undercroft unlocked.

"I wonder if Anne has been back here yet," Sebastian murmured as they entered the cavernous room.

"I'm not sure, I've not seen her in here," Ominis pondered.

"I've not seen you in here!" Sebastian exclaimed. "Always off in your secret hiding place these days," he scoffed.

Ominis rolled his eyes and smirked at his friend. "Oh please, do accept my apologies for being happy for once," he replied, sarcastic again.

"Stop it, you know I'm glad you're happy, both of you. I just... miss you sometimes," Sebastian said, his voice soft.

Ominis felt a pang of guilt in his chest as he realised he did spend a lot of time apart from Sebastian now outside of classes. "I understand, I'm sorry if I haven't been around as much. Perhaps one evening this week we can all gather here, like old times?" Ominis proposed.

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