|9| Electric Shocks

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Theo and Ominis walked arm in arm around the Hogwarts grounds, breathing in the clean September air as the sun shone brightly above them. They had walked in comfortable silence, Theo was thinking back to Hecat's lecture and the Patronus charm. She hoped she'd be able to master it, she found last year she had an easier time than expected mastering spells, but this one was different. It required you to think of powerful, happy memories to cast successfully and well... Theo's life the last six months hadn't exactly been the happiest.

Breaking her out of her distracted thoughts, Ominis gave Theo's hand a gentle squeeze. "Shall we sit for a while?" he asked her, motioning to the grass under a tree. He often came to sit here when he wanted to get away from it all.

"Sure," Theo said, leading them over. She helped Ominis sit before taking a seat next to him.

"What's on your mind?" he asked her curiously.

"I was thinking about class. Hecat mentioned the charm takes a different form for each person who wields it, based on who they are as a person. What do you think yours would be?" she asked him curiously.

He chuckled softly as he responded, "Knowing my family's lineage, probably a snake." No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't seem to get away from the legacy of Salazar Slytherin.

"I'm not sure, you broke away from them so long ago now, you're nothing like them. I bet yours will be something else entirely," she said to him softly, he might be in Slytherin but he was certainly no snake, not in that sense anyway.

"Perhaps. I suppose we shall see if I ever manage to master it." Ominis pondered, if not a snake, what would it be?

"I wonder what mine would be," Theo said aloud, "A lion for Gryffindor?" she joked. "That would be quite the sight!" She laughed heartily, imagining a huge lion roaring out of her wand every time she cast the charm.

Ominis snickered. Though he couldn't visualise a lion exactly, Sebastian had explained it to him once and from what he understood, they were massive and furry with very sharp teeth and claws.

"That certainly would be a sight to behold," Ominis agreed, a smile on his face. "Though it does seem fitting for you in that sense," he added.

"What do you mean by that?" Theo asked him curiously.

Ominis blushed slightly, looking a bit nervous. "I only mean a large majestic animal would make sense for you. Look at all you accomplished in the last year alone, Theodosia, I would say majestic is a rather apt description for you at this point." He smiled at her anxiously.

"You... think I'm majestic?" she asked him, feeling butterflies return to her stomach.

Ominis turned his head to where her voice had came from, the blush on his cheeks deeper now.

"I do" he whispered.

Theo's heart was pounding in her chest, his words echoing in her head. He thought she was majestic. She felt a huge smile creep onto her face.

"I, I think you're majestic too," she said back sheepishly.

Ominis knew his face was on fire at this point, the blush in his cheeks so deep he was sure they must be bright red. He couldn't believe she thought that about him.

"Why?" he asked her. After everything he'd done, he definitely didn't think that was the right word to describe him.

Theo looked over to him in surprise at his question. "Why? Because you're a wonderful person, Ominis. You're so wise, you are the calm to so many of our storms. You keep us centered."

Ominis was quiet for a moment. He couldn't believe this is how she saw him.

"But, after what I've done, the people I hurt..." he said quietly, turning his head away from her. "I've done terrible things, Theodosia." He felt a few tears brim on the edge of his eyes.

Staghart: A Hogwarts Legacy Story || Ominis x Fem MCWhere stories live. Discover now