|5| An Old Friend

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Theo hastily exited the Potions classroom, her mind swirling after seeing Sebastian for the first time in months. She paused outside of the classroom for a moment, trying to clear her head. Where had he been? What does he want to explain?

She sighed and shook her head, pushing those thoughts aside for now as she focussed on finding Anne. In the few moments Sebastian had stopped her, Anne had vanished from sight. Theo made her way back into Central Hall, looking around everywhere for Anne but not finding a trace of her anywhere.

After a while of searching, Theo realised Anne had probably run off to their common room. She'd seen Imelda head that way as she left the classroom, and Theo just hoped that Imelda would find her. And hopefully Ominis was there, too.

Theo turned in the direction of the Greenhouses instead, wanting to clear her head. Besides, she was eager to see her plants from last year and see if they were still thriving.


As she entered the Greenhouses, a class had just ended, and Theo watched as a crowd of first year students chatted excitedly about the dangerous flora as one of the students held up a slightly bloodied finger, smiling at how amazing it was. Theo chuckled, remembering the first time a plant tried to bite her last year.

Professor Garlick was tidying up behind the students as Theo descended the stairs into the greenhouse. She looked up at the sound of footsteps, wondering if one of her first years had forgotten something, but beamed when she saw one of her favourite sixth year students instead.

"Theodosia! How wonderful to see you." Professor Garlick exclaimed warmly.

Theo couldn't help but grin back at one of her favourite professors. Professor Garlick had such a calming presence that it was nearly impossible to feel anything other than happy when you were around her.

"Professor Garlick, it's great to see you too. I hope you don't mind the intrusion, I was just hoping to check on some of my plants from last year." Theo returned the professor's warm smile, feeling immediately at home in the greenhouse.

"Of course, my dear! You know how I love to watch my students bloom!" Professor Garlick smiled widely at her, thrilled when her students took initiative outside of the classroom. She motioned around the greenhouse, welcoming Theo in.

Theo and the professor chatted pleasantly about their summers whilst Theo tended to some of the plants. She was amazed to see just how large her Tentacula had grown, having to use a levitation charm on herself to reach the top of the plant.

Professor Garlick watched her student fondly, checking up on her. Of course, nearly all of the Hogwarts professors knew about the great battle that took place in the caverns last spring, most of them had been right there during the fight. She thought that Theo looked a bit upset when she had entered the greenhouse, and vowed to keep a close eye on her this year to support her if she needed it.

After Theo had pruned and tended to all of her plants, she bid Professor Garlick farewell and headed off toward the Great Hall for lunch, wondering along the way who she might find there.


Theo entered the Great Hall to find it about half full of students chatting excitedly about their first lessons back. She glanced around the hall at the four tables, looking for signs of any of her friends.

At the Gryffindor table, she saw Natty sitting with Garreth and some of their other classmates and was about to head over, when she glanced over to the Slytherin table and saw a familiar mop of blonde hair resting on the table. She let out an audible sigh at the sight, and instead walked over to join her friend who was clearly still distressed.

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