|6| Sebastian Sallow

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"Avada Kedavra!"

The words left his mouth before his mind could process what he was doing. Sebastian stood in the Catacomb, locked in a fierce battle with his uncle, Solomon, who minutes before destroyed the relic, and with it Sebastian's last hope of curing his sister.

A flash of green light shot from his wand and Sebastian watched in horror as it struck his uncle in the chest. Solomon was frozen in time for a single second, before he fell lifeless to the ground with a loud and final thud.

And then there was silence. The longest moment of Sebastian's life dragged out for an eternity as he stared down at Solomon, all signs of life gone from his eyes.

He couldn't move. He couldn't breathe. What had just happened? He felt his wand slip from his fingers, and it clattered to the floor, breaking the silence that felt as though it had lasted a millennium.


Sebastian was flung backwards with force, his head cracking hard against the stone wall behind him. He looked up stunned and with blurred vision to see his sister Anne pointing her wand at him.

"Anne-", he started, reaching out for her.


With a fiery blast, Anne Sallow destroyed the final crowd of Inferi that was advancing, flames pouring from her wand as she moved, destroying every last one and ending Sebastian's spell.

Before Sebastian could utter another word, Anne turned her wand toward the spell book on the ground and destroyed it with a single flourish of her wand.

"NO!" Sebastian yelled, watching any chance he had of curing his sister turn to dust before his eyes.

Before he could move, Anne ran over to her uncle's body, eyes wide as she took in the sight of his lifeless body. She collapsed onto him, her protector gone. 'I have to get him out of here' she thought to herself. She laid her hand on Solomon's chest, and apparated away.

"Anne..." Sebastian watched as they vanished, the gravity of what had just happened slowly dawning on him.

The relic was gone.

Slytherin's spell book was destroyed.

His uncle was dead.

Suddenly, without knowing how, he found himself on his feet and sprinting out of the Catacomb. He could hear Theo behind him, crying as she yelled his name, but he couldn't stop. He had to go.

He burst out of the Catacomb and fell to his knees, his heart breaking into a thousand pieces. He had lost everything. His hope. Everyone who was close to him. Everything was gone.

"Sebastian-", Theo panted, catching up to him finally. "Sebastian!"

He couldn't find his voice. Instead, he sat crumpled on his knees as tears streamed down his face, feeling everything slip away from him.

Theo stood behind him, speechless, her own tears flowing freely as she looked down at him. She was in a state of complete shock, she couldn't believe what had just happened, how disastrously wrong everything had gone in just moments.

Sebastian found his way to his feet again and began to drag himself away from the Catacomb, but he was pulled back by Theo's hand grabbing his arm and stopping him.

"Sebastian - you can't just walk away. What the hell happened in there?!" she screamed at him. She could feel her hands shaking, how was she going to explain any of this to Ominis? What were they meant to do now?

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