Chapter | 02

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Andrew Hale is the powerful leader of The Milers, the French Mafia Organisation. He was succeeded at the young age of twenty, his interest in mafia things was what made him stronger during his rule period. He was always bestfriend with guns and knives and being the oldest son he got empire on his shoulder after his father's death.

Andrew was once the most powerful leader, his dangerous killing were somehow remembered till now. Andrew never expected himself to fall in love with someone so naive for him. But once Isabelle entered his life, he took a turn in his life.

Living a peaceful life after their marriage, Isabelle and Andrew got a beautiful baby girl as their blessings in their miserable days. Andrew always loved his daughter and wife as his first priority. He needed nothing more in his life. A peaceful life with his wife and daughter was all he needed.

Violence was something he wanted to separate himself away from, when he got his daughter in his hands. He never wanted his daughter to live a life between dark depths of the world, but everything was against his will. It was either he rules the Milers or his heir and in the conclusion, he decided to secure away his daughter from the Mafia and rules himself.

His daughter was always his happy pills, after coming from his long day all he ever wants were a hug from his wife and smile from daughter. It was enough for him and more than enough.

However when their enemy of Serbian's attack their habitat he would help but take his family away from there. He know Italy is one of the dangerous place on the earth for them, but thinking of some help from other organisation he decided to try it.

Andrew's Mafia are capable to knock Serbian down but this time he once know The Reapers have eye on his family and he couldn't let them hurt his wife and daughter.

Andrew was today for a meeting with The Blazers emeritus. From the past few days he had been thinking to make a good deal with the Italians, there's no harm with that thinking because Italian and French were never enemies but never a good friends too. And now signing a peaceful treaty could benefits both of them.

The emeritus of Blazers had appointed the meeting, Andrew wanted to do the meeting in person with the leader of the organisation but the emeritus excused saying his son's busy and can not be there. And as for it, Andrew decides to agree cuz the faster they make deal, the faster he would relief for his family.

His foot clinked on the marbled floor echoing over the walls of the building. His straight posture fitted in his tailored suit and his cold face was far from how soft he is with his family.

The gaurd bowed to him, opening the glass push and pull door. Andrew enters the office finding Vincent sitted on his chair, sipping his liquor.

Vincent Hezron, one of the ruthless killer known to world. His killings are history and cruelness are remembered. All the terror he spread across the world was still alive and somehow his son come out to be worse.

Vincent is a type of man you would not want to live even a day with, there's no glint of kindness in his eyes. What he see and what world are far different, his perspective is rationally beyond our logic. He's a smear on the name of love.

Where once Andrew had his first priority his family, Vincent is opposite his first priority is always Mafia. And every thing about Vincent is opposite of Andrew. Their match is impossible.

Vincent stands up from his seat, strolling towards Andrew offering him a handshake. The office was chilly and cold, the curtains were half opened just enough to let the outside light chime in. The walls were plain and in a dull design.

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