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Stumbling up the driveway and using the sleeves of her sweater to wipe any remaining tears off her face, Addy tried to get away from the area of the previous scene when she heard fast-approaching footsteps behind her.

" Addy! Hey, slow down!"

Looking over her shoulder to see Conway jogging up to her the girl felt nothing but anger surface through her already emotional state, she came to a screeching stop turning to face him," What could you want right now Conway? "

The boy reached the girl and drew back at her sharp tone, a frown appearing on his face," I don't want anything, Addy, just came to check up on you."

Scoffing the girl shook her head and turned back around to continue her march home," Well you can go back, I'm fine."

"Hey hey hey," Conway sped up and grabbed the girl's wrist spinning her around the world to face him taking her breath away," I know you are not fine, talk to me, Addy."

It was like her body forgot how to work properly as he drew her body in against him, holding her like she was fine china that fell to the ground, he was inspecting her for broken pieces. And for a moment - just a moment she forgot about his previous actions, and just like how he quickly got over her she tried to step out of his hold.

" I'm fine- I'll be fine Conway, you should go back to Avery," Addy said with a sniffle trying not to let the morning's previous events and these emotions break her down.

Conway shook his head refusing to let her go and pulled her back in," This is not about Avery, this is about you and I am here for you, let me in baby."

" Don't call me that," this field the fire in the girl, especially as her thoughts drifted back to the night when she saw the other girl's head on his chest, " Don't play around with my head Conway, that's not fair."

" I mean it - nothing happened. Let me take care of you Addy. I won't let you down." Conway pleaded in a desperate tone as he held the resisting girl in his arms. " Listen to me, I care about you I know things looked bad but they weren't like that, you have to believe me. Only a fool would throw away a chance with you."

Addy stopped pushing him away hearing the confident boy suddenly stammering and pleading for her, maybe she was overthinking the other night. Maybe Avery was just trying to stir up some drama on the ranch or needed a shoulder to cry on. Conway was a good guy, she felt horrible for insulting his character and insinuating that something was going on with Avery.

She relaxed and felt her body lean in towards him rather than pull away, she began crying into his chest overwhelmed with emotions.

" That's it, baby, I got you. It'll be ok."

The blonde girl shook her head and looked up," I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I shouldn't have brought up Avery. I hope I didn't ruin whatever this is ."

Conway felt his throat tighten at the sobbing girl's apologies, and pulled her back into his chest rubbing a hand up and down her back," It's ok baby, I forgive you." he felt ashamed for letting her feel this way but knew he saw something in her the first time his laid eyes on her, he knew he wouldn't be able to continue his messy behavior if he wanted to keep her.

He pulled back and brushed her bangs out of her eyes before taking her hand and leading her up to her home, once they made it inside he looked down at the crying girl," Which way is your room?"

" Upstairs on the top floor, last door on the right."

The boy nodded, and lewd the way looking around he couldn't help but feel envious of the Dutton's generational wealth before making it to her room. He sat her down on her bed and looked her over happy that he did his job in returning her to safety. He placed a kiss on her head before turning to leave when he felt a pull on his hand, the blonde looked up at him with a distressed expression on her face.

" Can - Can you stay with me for a bit ?"

The boy felt a frown slip on his face and sucked in a breath," I have some things to check on, sorry ."

" Oh - it's ok I just didn't want to be alone right now, I don't know if things will be ok with my grandpa at the hospital -"

Conway sighed and cut her off before pulling his hand away," I'm sure he will be fine and someone will be home soon. Just hang tight ."

He brushed a hair out of her eyes and gave her a small smile then headed out the door.

Addy knew it wasn't fair to dump all of her feelings onto Conway but she sat in silence after the big abruptly left, her eyes looking over the sleeves of her sweater and noticing the blood that must have seeped in the wool when she was keeping her grandfather alive. She felt her chest begin to restrict and rose in a hurry pulling the sweater overhead and throwing it in the sink turning the tap on them began scrubbing viscously. She scrubbed until her fingers ached, the dark red sending light pink streams down the drain, when something caught her attention in the mirror, a puffy-eyed Addy Wheeler staring back at her with a frantic look on her face. She almost didn't recognize herself, never seeing herself like this, she couldn't claim the identity of the blonde girl staring back at herself. She looked down to see the blood stain was still permanently in the sweater, with a panicked cry she grabbed it out of the sink and threw it in the trash before sinking to the floor weeping into her hands.

Conway approached the ranchhand's living quarters and walked in to see the group sitting at the table, discussing their worries for John Duttons health when he noticed the empty chair next to Avery. He made his way over and sat down, scooting the chair closer to the brunette who then looked at him a small smile popping onto her face she leaned her head onto his shoulder before asking a question," Hey you where have you been?"

The boy avoided looking into her eyes and chose to look at the roaring fireplace at the other side of the room before answering ," Just had to check up on something, sorry I kept you waiting."

After receiving the phone call from Beth on how John was doing, Rip made his way in the Dutton household and to his daughters room. Knocking the door he heard her welcome him in, his breath caught at his normally strong girl on her bed pale faced and puffy eyed laying on the bed.

" Hey honey ," he walked in and sat on the bed he swept some of her hair out of her face to properly see her when he gave her the news," Your morher called and John is going to pull through, he's a tough son of a bitch."

The blonde let out a relieved sob at the news, thankful that her grandfather would see another day. Rip pulled the crying girl into his arms and tried to take her sorrows off her shoulders," Pack a bag honey, you'll come stay with me. I'm not leaving you in this empty house."


Sorry this one is a shorty

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