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After not being able to go back to sleep, Addy spent the rest of the early morning mucking out stalls and taking care of the smaller animals, which made her take another shower that morning when she returned back home . Walking downstairs to see Tate eating breakfast with her grandfather, a smile rose up on her face.

" Hey buddy , I didn't know you spent the night." The blonde girl says as she walks in and hugs the young boy. Looking up at her grandfather she quickly asks ,"Would you two gentlemen mind if I join you?"

John smiles at his granddaughter and pulls a chair out for her , gesturing for her to dig in. As Addy shovels in some light breakfast in her mouth ( her grandfather not knowing this was her second meal of the day, considering the cinnamon rolls she had with a cute cowboy on the front porch) her attention is grabbed by Monica walking in the room, she looked back and forth between the woman and the patriarch of the family. Monica gave the girl a smile and walked over to her son," We have to get going soon , can't miss anymore school," then looking over at the blonde ," Addy do you want to tag along and be my shadow today ?"

Addy not really knowing what help she could be at the school on the reservation nodded her head eagerly. She was really just happy to have a reason to leave the ranch.

Monica smiled," Ok go grab your things kids , we will be on the road in five."

Addy quickly hugged her grandfather goodbye , and yelled into the kitchen , thanking Gator for making breakfast that morning. And then running upstairs to grab some essentials for the day.


Addy walked behind Tate, carrying his backpack like the great older cousin she is , approaching Kaycee and telling him their goodbyes.

"Why can't we just live with grandpa and Addy?" The younger boy asked his mother who was in the front seat of the car driving down the road.

""Because we have a home Tate "

"I like his home better,Our home sucks balls. "

Monica and Addy both swung their heads to look at each other in shock.

"Tate, where do you learn that kind of language? "  Monica asks while looking at him in the rear view mirror.

"School. Probably better I shouldn't go there from all the bad things I learn. "

"Mm-hmm. " Addy lets out in amusement.

Tate realizing that he got his cousins attention continues on with his story,"Wonder what cuss word I'm gonna learn today. "

Monica let's put a laugh shaking her head ,"Nice try, kid."

They pulled up to the school and parked. While Monica gathered her things for her classroom, Addy made her way to Tates door,"Come on cowboy,"  He smiles up at her and hops out the car then taking his backpack.

As the trio walks towards the entrance of the school they start to here the sounds of kids cheering, what looked like to be a fight.

Monica scanned the area realizing she was the only adult , she pushed Tate to the Wheeler girl," Watch him please I'm going to go break that up."

Addy stared at her aunt in shock but took Tates hand nevertheless and watched the older woman break through the crowd.

Monica quickly realized that this would be a lot harder than she assumed seeing the size of the two kids who were fighting ," Hey -Hey Stop that right now !"

Monica was quickly shoved back and would have fell if someone didn't catch her , looking up she was shocked to see it was Addy." Don't worry Tate is ok , he's over on the bench. You looked like you needed help."

Monica looked over to see her son far away from the scene and nodded . She pulled herself up and attempted to break up the fight again." Hey! I mean if , this is going to have serious consequences- Stop it now -"  Monica is quickly punched in the face and this sent her headfirst into the cement. Addy only seeing the fist fly at her Aunt and then the boy hovering over her . Quickly uses all her force to grip his shirt and pull him back, the boy not knowing who was grabbing him swung at Addy as well,clocking her in the face.

The crowd gasps causes Addy and the boys to stop , their attention falling onto Monica who was laying on the ground unconscious.
Addy shoved the boy off her , and falls to her knees next to the woman .

" Monica ?" Shaking her ," Monica ?"  Looking up she sees the crowd and the boys are gone. She looks in the distance seeing a sobbing Tate running up to her.

" Mommy !, Mama!" Addy looked at the blood on the ground and quickly catches Tate pulling him into her chest so he can't see Monica on the ground , his waiting must have alerted some staff because a few minutes later she heard sirens and someone was helping the trio inside the school.

After carrying Tate in and following the gurney into the nurses office , Addy quickly sat Tate down on a chair in the hallway. She crouched down in front of the crying boy ,taking his hands.

" Tate I'll be right back-you need to stay here," Tate sobs harder and grips her shirt," Hey hey hey , I'm just going to find a phone and call for help, I'll be back for you just wait here ."

This seemed to calm the boy down a bit so she kisses a his head and took her jacket off putting it on him, hoping it would give him something to hug on to for comfort .

As she made her way down the hall she quickly located a teachers station with a land line , she dialed the only number she could think of at the moment. Listening to the dial tone as it rung she prayed that they would pick up .

" This is John Duttona office , may I ask whom I'm speaking to ?" The sound of Jamie's voice came through the phone.

" Jamie , it's uh Addy can you get grandpa on the phone ."

" Addy , are you ok ? This isn't your phone number ?"

Addy looked down the hall to see the nurses trying to console a sobbing Tate and grew frustrated," God Damn it Jamie , please go get grandpa ."

The steel in her voice must have been enough for Jamie to hand the phone over because after a few minutes of rustling on the other side she heard someone come back on the line.

" Addy - what's going on."

Tears rose to her eyes and a shaky sob shook the girls chest .

" Addy are you there ?"

She nodded and tried to get herself under control," Grandpa , you have to find Kaycee there was an accident. It's really bad ." She sobbed out on the line .

A few moments of silence and then John Dutton returned to the phone followed with the sounds of his truck starting up," Hang tight kiddo, we are on our way."



Hello everyone !

Short chapter I know but we are going to start cranking a lot more out here soon.  Please don't be a silent reader and give me any opinions or corrections you have !

Also I am writing a Glenn Rhee fanfic , so if you are a Walking Dead fan please please please go check it out . These two fics are my babies !

Again I really urge for you all to share your feelings on 6 with the fanfics I write, I personally know that I struggle with explaining actions or world building so if you have any advice please let me know !

Love ,

The author

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