"How can you say like that to her? Not to mention, you two just act like you didn't hear what she said that day."

"It's not our fault she was like that."

"I'm sorry, what? Chaeyeon is also your daughter too! Don't make me and Dahyun as your  favoritism children. I cannot believe I called you both Mom and Dad."


"Don't call me that, Mom. It's disgust me a lot."

"Let alone you two never said you two love Chaeyeon so much after she tried to make you two proud of her."

With that, I heard them walk away with a heavy footsteps. I let out a sigh and went to lie on the bed while slowly drifting to sleep.

Author's POV

During midnight at the hospital, a mystery figure walk through the hallway until, it stand right in front of Eunyeong's ward door room. Inside the room, Eunyeong is sleeping soundly when the door slowly open with a sound. The mystery figure slowly walk toward to Eunyeong's bed where she was asleep until, he or she took out the knife.

"I hope you die," the mystery figure murmured as he or she was about to stab Eunyeong when a voice stop. "What do you think you're doing?"

The mystery figure turn around and saw Heeseung with a suspicious look on his face when he saw the knife at the hand. This made Heeseung went shock when the mystery figure about to stab Eunyeong as the boy quickly push him or her to the side, causing the knife fall to the floor. Heeseung quickly check on Eunyeong to make sure there's no injured when he heard the movement behind him and quickly tackle the person but, only to be punch. The mystery figure about to strike him when Heeseung quickly block the attack and kick the mystery figure away. "Who are you? Why do you want to kill her?" Heeseung demand. The mystery figure can only stay quiet when he or she punch him at the face. Heeseung fell on the ground while groaning in pain when he got kick at the stomach and lay on the floor until, the mystery figure start to strangle him. Heeseung tried to stop him or her as he struggle to take a breath while the mystery figure tighten around his neck and spoke, "You almost ruin my plan and now, I have to kill you first." When the grip started getting tighten, Heeseung's face went pale as he was about to pass out.

Suddenly, the mystery figure been pulled up and got punch at the face, causing the mystery figure stumble backward. Turns out, it was Eunyeong who just woke up from her sleep after she heard a noise. The mystery figure slowly stood up and charge forward when Eunyeong give a roundhouse kick at the mystery figure's head until, a small shiny object fell on the floor. The mystery figure push Eunyeong away but, luckily she held onto the bed as a support when she watch the mystery figure ran off.

Eunyeong can only breathe heavily when she heard Heeseung groaning on the floor as she quickly went to him. "Heeseung, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. How about you? Are you hurt?" Heeseung quickly check on her as he cupped her face. Eunyeong hold his hand and nodded, "I'm fine, don't worry." Eunyeong quickly help him to stand up and bring him to the bed as he wince in pain. The girl held his cheek while checking any injured.

"Your lips bleeding," Eunyeong observe. "I'm fine, don't worry. It's you that I should be worry," Heeseung said softly. Eunyeong was about to open her mouth but, she just sigh. And then, she saw something shiny on the floor and went to pick it up. As she pick it up, it reveals the most expensive earring while Heeseung pick up the knife. 

"What happened while I was asleep?" 

"That person tried to stab you but, I manage to stop him or her after I went to restroom."

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