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'It's strange....'

'This is...wrong...yet when I see him look at me like that with those eyes filled with...fondness...those eyes...silently whispering that they care...

I can't help but hold onto that feeling...whenever he...'

'I keep telling my self, "don't, you're ought to regret"...yet...when he makes me feel this way...

all I want to do is  return that gaze filled with such affection...I want to laugh along...whenever he makes those silly lighthearted jokes of his...

I want to hold onto his warmth whenever I suffer in sorrow...I want to find solace in him....


Knowing all well he is just messing with me, playing one of his many silly games...yet...

Somewhere deep inside my heart, I shake at my own thought whenever I remeber that day when he pleaded for me to stay...to hold on...while I was a bloody mess...

The way he looked at me with worry tainting his features...his eyes flickering with fear...

That look never once fails to haunt me to this day...

why does it have to be like this...?'


'I don't want to like him...but whenever,he does this...my heart flutters back and forth, my thoughts go this way and that...my mind's blank as if a storm is rampaging throught it...I can't think straight...

it feels so wrong...




"Y/N..!" his voice pierced through your ears.

"...What...?" you asked, your mind still in haze as your eyes gleamed with perplexity.

"...you're bleeding" he scoffed his fingers brushing off the blood dripping down your lips.

You hummed at his words, watching him lick the blood off his finger, before he locked his gaze with yours.

"Quit that biting already." he demanded, plucking your lips up, his hand holding onto your cheek.

You looked away feeling his hot breath touch your face, while his grin grew wider.

"I can walk!" you wiggled in his arms as he carried you from the bathing hall, to the bed chamber.

"S-Sukuna...I am going to fall...put me down...!" you stammered, as his hands palmed waist carring you in his shoulder.

"You sure you want to be let down?" he teased, feeling your palms claw his back, holding tight onto him.

"Yes, now put me down!" your voice fell into deaf ears leaving you defeated.

He reluctantly settled you on the mattress, earning a huff of relief from you, in return.

𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄 Kde ÅŸijí příběhy. Začni objevovat