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He stepped inside the palace with triumph, beside him stood his sword, tainted in the blood he swayed her with.

The bloody menace she created, was palpable all over her. Her eyes which held not even a glimpse of remorse, and that smirk dancing on her lips made it all too noticable.

But they say it's not always the truth that you see with your own two eyes.

Sukuna amused to be witnessing this prompted to walk further as the whole palace broke down chanting their names in praise of their glorifying victory.

Somewhere deep inside, within yourself you felt hollow but not dwelling on it further was something you chose.

You looked at your side catching Sukuna looking at you, his eyes shinning with an unknown victorious gaze, you wondered what that was about.

"Hm?" Sukuna prompted, tilting his head to your side.

You only looked away in response.

"Let's go." He spoke but noticing your indifference, he grabbed your wrists before walking away.

"My lord...I am feeling quite fatigued, allow me to rest in my chamber." you spoke quietly, trying to loose his grip from your wrist.

Sukuna looked at you, hiz gaze surprisingly holding distinctiveness from the other times, as he let go of you without sparing another glance.

You sighed in relief? No maybe out of exhaustion, after all you were tired. Very tired.


Stepping inside your chamber you found maids waiting there to aid you with bathing.

Your Kimono which stained the wooden floors red, slipped out of your shoulders effortlessly, cascading down on the ground before the warm water embraced you.

You excused yourself from the maids in order to enjoy the sovereignty of the silence.

You leaned back on the bathtub, as you pondered about nothing in particular. It was just letting yourself go and sway with the flow of the moment.

You sighed, sitting up a bit as you took your hands into observation. The blood was gone, you were clean again.

The marks of your sins in your body cascaded down leaving you behind with not a trance of it's occurance, as if it never happened.

You sighed, slowly rising up from the tub, as you stepped out wrapping a robe around yourself.

Minutes turned into hours as you found yourself feeling something strange within yourself, the aftermath of your actions was nothing like you expected.

You did what you wanted. Then why?
Why did you feel this way. You felt so bad all of a sudden, it was not like this when you came here, then why now?

Why were you so overwhelmed with guilt now, of all the times, when everything was already done?

Kioto was in the wrong for doing that to you, then why are you the one feeling bad.

It was his fault, then why all of your thoughts ended the same way it did before? As if it's all your fault.

'Why, just why...!?'

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