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"𝐎𝐡 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞! 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐡"

Something within him stirred up perhaps it was provocation? He supposed but couldn't comprehend.

This urge to end Y/N's new found content, filled him up with pleasure he couldn't explain.

'How vexing, ha.'

It filled him with rage, the fact you let someone else have your heart instead of him infuriated him.

Yes, he never cared for your heart nor about you but he never agreed to let someone else have it. If it is not his then its no one's.

He would be fine with you not having an ounce of space for him within your heart but he would end anybody who dares to go near it let alone snatch you away from him.

You were his possesion, his very own.

"Sure, we will see about that my lord." You fired back your eyes shooting him daggers.

He just stole a last glance at your way before marching off, while you let out a sigh.

"...Kioto." You mumbled lost in your thoughts, an unsettling feeling settling within you about the storm which awaited ahead.


"My prince, your presence is desired..."

"I don't want to meet anybody." His hoarse voice replied, the weakness in his tone intense as ever.

"...but the King awaits you, my lord."

A brief moment of silence before he spoke.

"...I will be there shortly after."

Akumae Kioto, the crown prince of the kingdom, has been bewitched by an unknown woman, was all everyone could talk about. It was a hell of a news and spread like wild fire throughout the kingdom.

The king had lost his sanity, has gone insane, only seeking for a strange anonymous woman namely, Y/N.

Rumors like these were all people could talk about, well, rumor indeed but they say if theres smoke there was fire, similarly the longing for his beloved was palpable within him.

"Your majesty." Kioto spoke, greeting the king, his father.

"You may rise." The king spoke allowing him to look up to meet his gaze.

"It is time, for you to debut as the crown prince of our kingdom meaning the future of our people." He announced, his voice carring the sense of authority.

Kioto hesitated before speaking, "...But father..! I...I am not ready yet." Sturdiness evident in his tone.

"And, do you think I care?" The king asked, rigidly.

He scoffed at his father's unaffected response.

Well? He was not in the state nor in the right mind to be in the spotlight.

He was restless, restless in every aspect of his life, be it social or love.

Oh, right! Love...Y/N...they dreamt of so of many dreams together, pledged to make them true but it all seemed to grow feeble. Because you weren't here anymore, you were gone, long gone from his life but made sure to stay put in his heart.

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