Death is the only option for you

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With the remaining bit of strength in me, I managed to push him off me. "Snapping your fingers won't change anything, David. Everything is hazy enough already. Suddenly you showed up and you were saying 'Everything will be okay!'. No, it can not happen. I can never trust you again in my life, David. Will I agree?" I tell him making up my mind.

"You are right. I have lost the right to be close to you. I will just pack my things and leave immediately so as not to inconvenience you", he informs then he walks into the guest room. My eyes follow him, telling him to stop and not go. I just want him to go but my heart knows what it wants.

Still in my sorrow on the verge of letting David leave or not, Angel storms in soaked in water by the rain. "I should not have listened to you", Angel shouts enraged. Why would she do that? "Angel, what's wrong? What happened over there?", I asked but she did not respond. "Angel Angel", I call out following her as she climbs the stairs hurriedly. Opening the door of her room, she walks to the wardrobe immediately. "Angel, what happened there? Tell me", I urge her to talk.

"Raphael Raphael Raphael. That's all you know, right? I was here in peace and because of David's arrival, you disturbed me. And you also begged me to go with Raphael. I went to visit him and he wasn't home. The door was locked. Locked!", she emphasizes on the 'locked'. "You know what door means right?", she asks when I look lost. "How come? He was here and he requested I follow him but I allowed you to go along with him instead then how come? He told me he was going home ahead of you to prepare. Why isn't he home then?", I wondered.

"How do I know where he went and why he went? You should speak that to yourself and not to me. Like a foolish person, I was ringing the bell of his apartment for the past thirty minutes. I did not have his number and your number was not reachable in the bloody rain", Angel continues to yell. That is a habit of hers, she can yell for Africa if she's wronged. "So thank you once again, Rachael, for nothing", she concludes facing the wardrobe again.

"I am so sorry Angel, I don't know how...", I tender an apology but still in the middle of my words Angel cuts me short of words. "It's okay. You are an expert in hurting others. It is not something new and this is not the first time you are doing this", Angel took her night dress and entered the toilet.

Yes, that is what their mentality understands. I didn't hurt anyone, it is not my fault but still, no one will understand my pain. I climb down the stairs to the living room only to see David with the travelling box he brought. He walks up to my side and extends his hands to me for a shake. "Goodbye", he beams and I nod my head in response not wanting to touch him. "I understand", David adds then he drags his box and walks out of my house at a slow pace.

Is it right to let him go? Is it right to let him go in this condition and at this time? It is not right, Rachael. Stop him. Stop him, Rachael. My mind tells me but this time I won't be saying yes. Goodbye, David. In just the two hours you were here, you refreshed the old memories in my head. It is good that you are going and never to return. My phone rings and I rush to the table to pick it up. It is Raphael, "Hello", I say. "Hi, Rachael. Where is Angel? She did not come and I have been here since. Where is she?", Raphael yells from the other end of the call.

"Are you okay? Angel was at your house for the past thirty minutes and you were not around", I answer angrily. "I warmed the food and prepared everything. Strange lady! Why is she lying to you? Rachael, you trust everyone. Are you sure you can trust her?" he asks and the truth engulfs my head. "Raphael, don't worry. I will call you back", I hang up the call. Now it's time for me to see Angel myself.

I enter Angel's room, she isn't here but she still has to be in the bathroom. I knock on the door vigorously "Angel Angel, open the door. I want to talk to you", I state. "I am coming", Angel responds. Instead of just standing, I decided to arrange the clothes she scattered angrily the other time. I fold the first, the second and the third, I pick the fourth one and a gun falls from the cloth. I gasp holding my chest and breathing heavily. A gun? Why is there a gun in the possession of Angel? I pick up the gun and the little paper beside it.

I open the folded paper to read its content. "I will never forgive you. You have ruined my whole life. My entire family is over because of you. You have just one punishment, and that is death", I read from the content of the letter. You must die. "You have to die. Now, I know your biggest secret and that secret is enough to finish you. You have finished it all. I will kill myself but before that, I will kill you", that is the content of the remaining part of the letter.

Now I understand everything. The man I trapped and Angel. They are both connected somehow, they have some kind of connection. No wonder he said someone would come to save him. Could it be Angel? Now I understand why she came to live with me, why she always talked to a stranger, why she talked weirdly and many other things. I, a fool as usual never doubted her for once. Leaving the shreds of evidence back where I picked them from, I run outside the house knowing only David can save me.

I use the umbrella to cover my head as I find my way to the junction where I meet David standing soaked under the rain. "David", I call out to him and he looks back surprised to see me. "I didn't see a taxi", he says lowering his head. "Come inside", I command. "Are you sure?", he asks surprised. I throw my hand over his shoulder and lock my lips with his to convince him I want him to stay. This moment kind of reminds me of the good old days we had. I just hope what I am doing is right.

What is your view on Angel's character?😹

Can David be the mystery behind everything? 🤭

"Yes, I am back in her house. Rachael has no idea. I told you if she becomes a problem for us then I will remove the problem forever, no one will even find her dead body" David reported.

There is a saying in the news and newspapers world. They say: When there is a doubt, cut it! But I chose to live with the doubt and now I am going to die. I should not have trusted anyone even myself ~ Rachael.

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