The Calling Of The Sea

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Maybe finding that egg on the beach wasn't exactly an accident after all! What if it was placed there intentionally? The words of the mermaid still rattled softly in the back of my mind: 'I've been waiting for you my love, for you to pay your debt to me.'

I looked out the window to the open ocean as the beach was void of clam diggers as the digging spots were only at Mosrocks and Long Beach today; and considering that the motorhome was gone, I expected that my parents to have gone to Long Beach.

Pouring a bowl of dry cereal, I sat down at the table to eat breakfast. I took a spoonful of the sweetened grain and put it in my mouth as I quickly spit it back out.


My stomach refused to tolerate the earthly grains, leaving me mystified. It was surprising that I could stomach that hospital slop, but why not this stuff!?

But then again, all they had fed me at the hospital was fish: lemon salmon, tuna salad, baked cod and apple smoked halibut. I looked around for anything aquatic in the cupboards, but I couldn't find a darn thing.

So, grabbing the keys to Dr. Todd's car, I decided to make the commute to the nearest city, Ocean Shores, to go to the local IGA.

Before getting out of the car, I made certain that everything 'aquatic' was covered up as I left the vehicle and walked into the store and did a little shopping. I stocked up on tuna and all the fish in their market. It seems to be the only thing that I could tolerate at the moment!

I went to the counter as the clerk scanned all the seafood and glanced down at me, smirking.

"Must really like fish!" she comments as I smiled with a slight nod of my head.

"I've developed a real craving for it, as of lately." I say as she just smirked and rang up my total as I paid the fee with my dwindling cash reserves.

Back at the safety of my home, I set the groceries on the counter as I flicked on the TV and saw that every news channel was reporting from Santa Barbara. The search for mass-terrorist Rue Amiri had continues as they were showing the university and my mugshot from my student ID. They were now offering a reward for my capture!

A chill ran down my spine, looking at my mugshot! I could never have a normal life! My phone then rang as I looked down at the caller's ID. Somehow, it was Meara phoning me! But was wasn't possible as she had jumped into the ocean.

'It is probably a trap!' I concluded, ignoring the call.

Placing perishables in the fridge, I then popped open a can of tuna and ate it from the can. I even drank the water, just to quinch my thirst. Thank God I had bought over 20 cans! Should have seen the look on the clerk's face as she scanned each one. And they weren't even on sale!

I was glued to the TV as the search seemed to be isolated only to California, but I dreaded that it might not last that long! Once they know that I am not in California any longer, and that I have stolen Dr. Todd's car...they will come looking here next!

Dressed, I headed outside as I ran down the sandy path and rose up and down through the sawtooth grass that billows like waves in the wind. It was always windy here along the North Pacific coast.

Amazingly, I felt just as energetic now as I have even been! The tiredness of yesterday, even the pain in my legs have all faded away. Even the deep tissue cuts on my feet did not look all too bad this morning. I seem to now have amazing healing properties, thanks to my strange mutation.

Adding to my second wind, I was determined to find clues...find that mermaid who saved my life 14 years ago. However, the weather had other plans as it pushed me back with pelting rain as I retreated back to the comfort of my house.

Atlantean Doctrine Book 6 - The Mermaid's Egg (TG/TF Story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum