Chapter 2: Painful Changes

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He continued laying limply on the hot sand mixed with his own blood, feeling mildly exhausted and trying to breathe with his new lungs, ignoring the pain throbbing throughout his body. Several minutes passed. While listening, his breathing was almost ragged, which was a real problem, and his main worry was that his body's heart would suddenly malfunction and he would die completely. Whatever he achieved during his journey would have been in vain, and the thought irritated him a little. Immediately, he remembers that he has to start moving again before something acknowledges his presence and takes advantage of his state of exhaustion, and the creature begins to raise his head in visible pain and struggling. He refused to accept that the neck pain was a lot and continued to put all his energy into doing such a simple task until without warning, a sharp knife-like pain shot through his throat, and his head immediately fell with a thud onto the wet red sand, alerting any potential occupants to his presence. The creature's natural instinct was to use his voice to growl helplessly, but his voice was not fully developed and could only utter a small whisper that could barely be heard.

He could somewhat sense that some kind of monster searching for him, perhaps more than one monster was searching for him because he realized that the smell emanating from his body was probably strong enough to announce his complete presence to the entire island. The two thoughts then prompted him to try getting up again and use his hind legs to stand up rather than foolishly trying to lift his neck, beginning to carefully balance his weight with his sharp toes digging into the sand below. The only thing he struggled with were slight tremors and as if his head were being squeezed while his brain was rapidly pulsating, but he knew the consequences of giving up, so he continued to push himself. He had to do something useful before the monsters did something evil to him. Carefully successful, the creature nearly stumbled to his feet, his legs burning like hot lava. Another quiet vibration emanated from his neck in response to the painful pressure applying to him.

One of his heartbeats made him feel like he had been stabbed in the chest, and the creature flinched at the sudden pain, almost tripping over the clean sand in front of him, gripping his sharp toes even harder on the ground to keep his balance. For a fact, he's not used to this new thing of walking using his large legs, but he still needs to adapt to it if he wants to continue his little journey. His breathing gradually became softer and the pain in his chest eased just a little, but the pressure around his head was the worst pain he was experiencing currently and the pulsing inside of it felt like a time bomb about to explode, he wish he could just bang the top of his skull against a rock and it would be that easy to end all of the agony. But, knowing that it wouldn't be that easy and there was no present solution, he did his best to ignore the hurting headache and just shook his whole body to let the sand and dirt fall off of him. At once, a sharp liquid pain shot through his throat, and then the creature gargled and spat out a puddle of boiling blood along with pieces of his own flesh, shaking his neck to try and clear the pain in his throat. At this point, the creature didn't care if the island's monsters found him or not because the smell of his own scent was too strong to let him hide, perhaps he might be lucky if whatever monster was able to end him very quickly.

Without thinking about where he was going, the creature slowly started walking down the path. His footsteps lightly shook the ground, and soon the sand transitioned into grass. There were no monsters in his sight, but he barely felt that something other than harmless nature was observing him in the trees and landscape, soon realizing that it was not only one thing looking to hurt him. More than at least three things must be planning to prey on him, and he knew it because he looks so vulnerable and weak, which makes him perfect as a meal for a hungry beast. He continued on his way without much hard thought about it, perhaps the excruciating pain of his aching head interfered with the workings of his mind and made him stupidly uncaring. The creature was just wandering in pain and being patient, as if he was interested enough in something trying to jump at and maul him to death, but soon his senses tingled, as if his brain was being poked by multiple needles simultaneously.

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