Chapter 1: Finally arrived

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The surrounding area is truly an abyss, and no living creatures have been discovered, at least so far. It was almost pitch black, but the moonlight pierced the surface, illuminating the bright blue that remained until life arrived. The lifeform flooded the water he swam across with his own red liquid. It was hot enough to boil, hot enough to burn the skin of an inferior human, and annoying enough to make what he was experiencing even worse. Every moment was painful, it was very difficult to breathe oxygen and find peace, it was all continuous torture for him. He wants this to end quickly without losing his life, and he's willing to do anything to end the pain, even if it means temporarily relieving it until it comes back. He would do anything. He will beg for it to stop.

But he continued to suffer from the pain and had to live with it for the rest of his life, following his body wherever he went and just praying that he wouldn't get into any more trouble. It was a journey to what he wanted, maybe getting out of the water would make breathing easier? He hoped so, but the red liquid suddenly entered his eyes, and he swallowed some of it silently, feeling like barbed wire scraping the back of his rumbling throat. No matter how loud he screamed for help, no matter how much pain it meant, no one could hear his cries for help.

My voice hurts and I have to scream.

As he thought about this seemingly empty world, he suddenly remembered that it had never been so quiet. It used to be very loud and muffled, but now it feels different, but the constant pain is the same, it won't stop. The world changed in an instant, and it was as if he had wandered into another dimension. So, what will he do if it feels that way? It's just his body experiencing another fantasy, and even if he really goes to another place far from home, he doesn't care at all. Preferably, he only thinks about whether he can adapt to the new environment.

"Adaptation" was a strong word for him. Because with each adaptation, he always transforms into something completely different from his original self. With each adaptation, it's a wonder how he was shaped from a normal creature into a cancerous abomination. He was far from his normal sane self and wanted to return to that state and avoid becoming a victim of nuclear waste. But now he has to continue his journey in the new sea he has entered, and he will probably never return to his old homeland or the sea where he once lived. He is in a new world. He has to adapt to it.

The creature felt the moon hitting him, and at the same time felt the shore approaching. The deeper he went, the colder the water became, and his little feet started to tingle. His legs began to stretch and deform, he felt his muscles tear and heal rapidly at the same time, swallowing more of his own red liquid in pain. Very fast, but very painful for it to happen. Not very comfortable, not comfortable at all. He tried to scream again, but nothing came out except his bloody, steaming bubbles and chunks of his own internal organs, the insides of his chest being torn apart in the most excruciating way. He felt himself forming again. If he could cry, he would. There will be tears of blood. The creature tried to scream again, but that only gave his body more fuel to continue forming new lungs toward its destination, and there was no turning back. He struggled in the water, trying to grab his chest to ease his pain, but realized that his "arms" were just stumps with no hands, and that his bleeding legs were still forming. All that remained was the burning shame that began to pulse through his body.

As the red liquid gushed from his body and reached the surface, the creature began to struggle even more violently throughout the torture, his yellow hazel tail breaking through the bleeding surface and beginning to swing in the air before slamming down. He hit the water with a huge splash, but in an attempt to regain control, he clumsily sank deep into the water, never to be seen again. The water temperature made the cold shore feel closer, but the pain was worse, and he was even more tired. He brought his weight closer to the shore, spinning his body like a fish fleeing a great threat, the cold air drawing closer and closer. It's coming. It only takes a few more presses to decide if it's really worth landing. And after living for a long time on the ocean, which he once called his only home, it finally happened.

As the creature emerges from the water for the first time, he pulls himself up onto the sand, feeling his new hind legs flare up in the fresh air, and the blood and blood clots left in his gills are released onto the hot sand. As the pain continues, he buries his sharp toenails deep into the sand, his body almost completely hunched over, and as the blur fades, his large googly eyes adjust to the new surroundings, and at first, he finds himself in the sand. He observed how much vital fluid was being lost and red puddles were starting to form. It takes the creature several seconds to realize that he is not breathing any oxygen, so he begins to suffocate shortly after walking on land for the first time, causing his body to physically struggle to find a way out. It takes a moment for the once-bleeding gills to deflate into dry red slits, and the creature's mouth opens wide, sucking in land air with quiet but strangled gasps. The body had just been rescued from drowning outside the water. It took him some time to get used to breathing this new oxygen using his newly formed lungs. As he rested on the sand, the new oxygen felt like a reward for what he had been through, the pain subsided a little, and he felt like he could finally have a few seconds of peace.


Posted by: mxmorggo

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