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Peter found himself sitting on Ryan's lap after they got out of school. It's been three days since he's seen Ryan face to face after he got home that night. Finding out that his mom was most likely drinking because of him broke his heart. And then hearing that David was on their mom's side about the whole left him thinking.

"She shouldn't have to worry about where we're both at, Peter," David continued. "So, you think you can cut this person off? For mom."

Peter thought about his answer and knew there was only one.

"I can't," he said softly.

"This is my life and she has to understand that she can't control me anymore," Peter informed Ryan. "I'm already eighteen."

The two of them were sitting with their legs crossed over one another on Ryan's motorcycle. Ryan held onto the bike handles blocking both of Peter's sides for safety to him while Peter had his arms wrapped around his neck.

"What happens when she does find out that you're still seeing me?" Ryan asked.

Peter shook his head. "She won't find out." He smirked softly and Ryan mirrored the same look.

"I didn't take you as a bad boy, Peter," he chuckled, earning a gentle punch to his chest from Peter.

"It's only because of you," Peter mumbled under his breath.

Ryan took one of his hands off of the handle so he could use it to cup Peter's chin in his hand. Gently he swiped his thumb across the younger male's bottom lip causing their eyes to meet again.

"Are you ready for me to take you back home?" Ryan questioned and immediately Peter's smile faded away.

"Before I would be happy to get away from you. But I didn't realize until now, after being away from you for three days, how much I want you."

"You've always wanted me," Ryan said with a smirk.

"You wanted me first," Peter scoffed.

The two found themselves staring endlessly into each other's eyes before Peter decided to lean in closer so he could connect their lips. Kissing Ryan each time made Peter realize a lot of new things about himself. Falling for the biggest player at their school, being blackmailed into sleeping with him from a video, and lying and going against his mom's words were things he never would've thought he would find himself doing. Before the thought of Ryan disgusted him. Before being around Ryan irritated him but still every time he gave in. Now it was everything about Ryan that excited him. Making him want to spend the rest of his life alone with him. He didn't want to listen to anything else that people would tell him. He didn't want to think about what Jewel had told him that day in the boys restroom.

"You know the kind of guy Ryan is. Point is - and I say this with all respect, if he breaks your heart... don't bother coming to me."

He knew there was a time that Ryan would hurt him and break his heart but he knew that wasn't the same Ryan he's with right now. At this moment he wanted him. Finally he pulled away, breaking the kiss but pressed their foreheads together while Ryan's hair tangled up between Peter's hands.

"Take me home," Peter said softly then pulled his head back, meeting his eyes before adding...

"With you."


A/N: Look at our boys finally being able to have a conversation. Hopefully we're agreeing with the thoughts in Peter's mind.

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