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A/N: You probably didn't guess it but yes... There are 18+ things ahead.

After a long week, it was finally the weekend. David had gone out with a couple of his friends but Peter was left home with their mom. She was in the kitchen fixing something for dinner while Peter stared at his phone and on the screen was Kelsey's contact information. Ever since the party that she showed up to so they could talk then the part when Ryan and him basically got together, he's been dying to fill her in. Only he didn't know once he called her and she picked up if Jewel and Stacy would be there as well.

"What are you up to, Peter?" his mom asked from the kitchen.

"Nothing mom," Peter replied, turning off his phone and giving up on the idea of reaching out.

"I haven't seen Kelsey and the other two girls you used to hang out with in a while," his mom said. "Are you still friends with them?"

"Yeah," Peter decided to lie to avoid a conversation he wasn't ready to have. "We're still friends, we've all just been pretty busy lately."

"Mmm," his mom said, clearly not believing anything her son was telling her. But Peter didn't realize that because he was halfway zoned out. "You never told me about your friend that you had to drop off when you and David decided to throw a party, leaving me to clean up all alone."

That got Peter's attention. "I... I don't know what you're talking about."

"Peter don't lie to me," his mom said, waving the knife around in front of her face. "Who was the friend that you don't want to tell me about?"

"I don't remember," Peter lied once again. "It was so long ago and I don't even see them anymore." He shrugged. "I guess they got a new ride."

"Fine~," his mom said, tossing her hands up. "Don't tell me your teenage business. But if for whatever reason this "friend" of yours wants more from you... it better be safe."

"Mom!" Peter exclaimed.

She chuckled then turned away to lean over the stovetop and Peter grabbed his phone, trying to block out the image that his mom put into his head. Then with perfect timing the person they were just talking about, texted him.

Ryan: I'm outside

Peter couldn't stop the smile from forming on his face as he went to the text, opening it so he could reply.

Peter: Why?

Ryan: I want to show you something...

Peter: I'll get my keys

He jumped up making his way to the kitchen to grab his car keys off the counter but stopped when another message came through

Ryan: Don't

Ryan: I'm driving

Peter raised his eyebrow in confusion.

Peter: With what car?

Ryan: Just come outside

He knew that Ryan was chuckling to himself just by the message that he sent. Peter said bye to his mom but didn't get very far when his mom told him to wait, causing him to turn around on his heel.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"To hang out with a friend," Peter replied.

She raised her eyebrow. "Peter-"

"You don't question David when he goes to hang out with his friends," Peter stated. "So why do you question me?"

"Because David gives me a name of who he's going to be with, Peter," his mom replied.

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