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"I deleted the video."

Just when Peter thought they moved past it, Ryan brought it up along with the events that occurred.

The dominant male smirked even more while he got a tighter grip on Peter's waist. No more words were said once their lips crashed together. His hands slipped underneath Peter's shirt which eventually was taken off and thrown to the ground. Ryan picked Peter up off the ground then Peter wrapped his legs around the male's waist as they made their way to the bedroom. Their lips met again but left once again when Peter rolled over to get on top of Ryan now. He was lost in his eyes while he teased him, slowly pulling the drawstring on his sweatpants. Peter pulled them down when Ryan lifted his hips, making it easy for him.

After a while Peter's briefs and pants were off so Ryan could prepare him for what was to come. He ate him out, swirling his tongue in his hole and sticking one finger in to get a moan from Peter before sticking in a second one, getting another and much louder moan right after. Peter whimpered at the enjoyable feeling, gripping the sheets and flipping his head back while he swore under his breath. And it was when their eyes met again that Ryan asked him... "Are you ready?"

"Peter," Ryan's voice spoke and quickly their eyes locked. "Thought I lost you."

"You did?" Peter questioned, trying to figure out why he was still out of breath.

"Yeah you were spacing out I thought-"

"No." He quickly shook his head. "Not that." He paused trying to prepare himself for the answer that he was about to get once he asked this question. "You deleted the video?"



"Remember that night when you lost all your friends," Ryan started and Peter rolled his eyes.

"Thanks for the reminder," he said under his breath.

"That night I told you something, remember?"

"A lot happened that day, Ryan," Peter said while he shook his head. "I don't remember much from our conversation."

"I told you there are plenty of people that want to get in my bed-"

"Ryan what the fuck are you-"

"Let me finish," he said, cutting the younger male. "There are a lot of people that want me and you know that but."

He paused when Peter's eyes were no longer on him so he placed his hand underneath his chin, causing their eyes to meet again. He shook his head, suddenly feeling his body warm up for the first time he looked at someone. It was a feeling that he's never felt before and he wasnt mad that it was Peter who made him suddenly feel this way.

"But... I don't want them," Ryan added, his tone now at a lower volume. "Do you know why?"

"Why?" Peter asked softly.

"Because I only want you." He grabbed onto Peter's hands, holding them in his own, focusing on them before he continued to speak. "That's why I deleted the video." Now he looked up again. "I want you to trust me Peter when I say this time, the video isn't going anywhere. It doesn't exist anymore. The moments we share in real time with each other, those are the moments that I'll think about. I don't need to film it. I'll just rewind it in my head or." He paused so they both could share a small laugh together and once it faded Ryan added one last thing.

"Or... when I miss you."

"And how often is that?" Peter asked with a smirk.

"You know the answer already, babe," Ryan said with a grin. "Come here."

Peter leaned closer to the strawberry blonde in front of him, gently pressing their lips together as they kissed. Their hands slipped out of contact so Peter could wrap his arms around Ryan's neck and Ryan wrapped his arms around Peter's waist. Together they fell back on the bed, unable to control their smiles that probably made them look like fools but neither of them cared anymore. They knew what they wanted and in that moment it was each other.


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