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"I... I thought-"

"You thought it was your phone when you had to use my face to unlock it?" Ryan questioned him then he took his phone from Peter's hand.


"Why are you even snooping on my phone?"

"Why!?" Peter snapped. "Because you fucking recorded me without my consent, asshole. That's why I'm snooping on your phone."

"You're trying to find the video?"

"I want it to be deleted, Ryan."

"Well I don't," Ryan said with a shrug.

"Oh my fucking." Peter paused before jumping up off the bed ready to yell at the older male. "Why me!? Why not just humiliate me already? Just get it off your chest so you don't have to see me again!"

"Is that really what you think I want, Peter?" Ryan questioned, now getting out of bed as well. "To humiliate you so I don't have to see you again? Because it's not. It's not even close to being like that."

"So then what-"

"I'm not that guy, Peter! I'm not going to be the one to ruin your life because of something that happened a year ago."

"I... I don't." Peter paused while he shook his head and wasn't able to understand why he was beginning to cry.

"I hate you... A lot. But I don't hate you enough to put an intimate video of you and myself out there for anyone to see."

"So what, you're just going to blackmail me into having sex with you because you're bored?" Peter questioned with disgust. "Are you serious!?"

"You have the option to say no now," Ryan said in a calm tone.

"No," Peter said, walking around to stand at the foot of the bed.

"Now was that so hard," Ryan chuckled.

"I'm not saying no for that," Peter stated. "I'm saying no because I don't trust you. I don't believe that you're going to let me walk away this easily."

Ryan made his way to the foot of the bed while Peter continued to rant on without noticing that he was getting closer to him. But when he was standing face to face with him thats when he made eye contact and lowered his tone.

"I don't know if I can ever trust you again," Peter concluded.

"What can I do to make you trust me, Peter?" Ryan asked.


"Besides that," Ryan said with a sigh while he grinned slightly.

Peter was lost in his tinted green eyes again while he thought of what to say but when nothing came to mind that's when he shook his head. "I don't know."

"I'll only sleep with you if that's what you want," Ryan said and when Peter pushed his arm that's when he let the laugh escape his mouth.

Peter couldn't help but chuckle as well but his eyes dropped to the ground when he did so. Their laughter slowly faded away and when it did that's when he felt Ryan's hand underneath his chin, lifting his head up so their eyes could meet.

"You read my text," Ryan said in a low tone. "You want me, Peter. I can tell."

"I don't... don't know what you're talking about," Peter said in an equal tone.

"Don't play this game."

Peter felt his heart starting to speed up the longer he looked into Ryan's eyes and that's when he moved too quick for him to realize what he did. His lips were pressing against the older male's lips and once he pulled away that's when it hit him.

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