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Peter thought they were being careful but I guess when you see the two of them leaving the school together hand in hand walking to the parking lot to get to Peter's car it does seem suspicious.

"Jewel I-"

"Can explain?" she questioned, finishing his sentence. "I'd love to hear it, Peter."

"It's... Not so simple," Peter sighed, taking a step closer to his friend.

"What can be so complicated about it? Do you like him? Are you falling for him? Are you guys already together? Start talking!"

Jewel was asking all the right questions but Peter didn't know how to answer a single one. He stood in front of her while she searched his eyes and soon her expression turned soft and she let out a sigh.

"Fucking hell, Peter," she said while she rubbed the inner corners of her eyes with her thumb and middle finger.

"I don't know how to explain it to you, Jewel," Peter was finally able to say.

"Is he the reason why you don't want to spend time with us?" Jewel asked after looking up again.

"I didn't mean to block you guys out, I promise."

"I don't care about a fucking promise, Peter," Jewel said harshly but it didn't affect Peter because he already knows her attitude. "And besides, you know the kind of guy Ryan is. Ever since camp last year when we went skinny dipping then left him there, he's had multiple girls in and out of his bed." She looked at Peter up and down. "And I guess guys too. Point is - and I say this with all respect, if he breaks your heart... don't bother coming to me."

Jewel hopped off the counter and made her way to the door but was stopped when Peter said her name. She had her hand on the handle but turned to face her friend anyway.

"Don't tell the others," Peter begged. "Please."

"They already know, Peter. They were just too pussy to talk to you about it." Then with that, she turned away, swinging the door open, leaving Peter alone once again.

After Peter's conversation with Jewel, he decided to go home. He couldn't stand the fact of staying for his last two classes and running into Ryan in the halls. He didn't know how to talk to the rest of his friends about the whole thing and tell them the full story.

Why was he with Ryan all the time? Because he was secretly recorded while they had sex and Ryan was gatekeeping the video to blackmail Peter into having sex with him. That would just be proving to Jewel that she was right and that Peter really didn't deserve their support when Ryan breaks his heart.

Once he got home the house was silent. His mom was still at work and his older brother was still at school. Peter had an hour until his mom got home and an hour and a half until David got home. So he spent that time in his room after making a quick ham sandwich to snack on.

Back-to-back messages and phone calls kept coming in from Ryan but Peter did not give in to the urge to answer them. He knew in the back of his mind that Ryan still had the upper hand and even though he told him that he wouldn't post the video, Peter couldn't find it in himself to believe that. But when his phone rang for the tenth time that's when he decided to answer it.


Peter didn't want to be the one to talk first considering he had nothing to say so he waited for Ryan to say something.

"Peter?" Ryan questioned.

"What," Peter replied softly.

"Where are you?"


"They know," Peter said once Ryan sat at the foot of his bed.

After going back and forth over the phone Peter gave in when he felt himself wanting to break down while talking to Ryan. Once they hung up when Ryan said he was going to come over, that's when Peter started thinking again.

He didn't want them to be right.

He wanted to believe that Ryan wanted him more than just for sex. He wanted to believe that Ryan wasn't going to spread the video around school. He wanted to believe that he could trust Ryan again. And he wanted Ryan to know that he can trust him.

"Who knows?" Ryan questioned, turning sideways on the bed so he could fully face Peter.

"My friends," Peter replied, still unable to make eye contact with the strawberry blonde. "Stacy, Kelsey, and Jewel. They all know and they all hate me."

"They don't hate you, babe," Ryan said softly and reached his hand out to place it on the younger male's thigh.

"You know the type of girls they are, Ryan," Peter said finally meeting his eyes. "They're the ones that made me take your clothes that night. That's what they do."

"Play tricks. Play games. None of it is real," Ryan stated. "They're not going to hate you because we're hooking up." He paused then removed his hand from Peter's thigh. "They don't know why we're hooking up do they?"

"Hell no," Peter scoffed. "I'm too embarrassed to tell them that much detail. But... I want to talk to them. Tell them something that they could believe."

"They're some smart girls," Ryan said. "You're going to have to do a lot of thinking."

The room slowly began to fall silent the longer the two of them were looking at each other and slowly Ryan crawled closer to the head of the bed where Peter was sitting. He lied in between his legs while he traveled his eyes along his body with his fingers trailing behind.

"Ryan," Peter spoke softly.

"Hmm," Ryan replied.

Peter waited until Ryan's eyes were on him and once they were he began to gently run his hand through Ryan's strawberry blonde hair. Staring into his eyes made Peter short of breath as he thought about what he wanted to say. But he couldn't form the right sentences which is why he placed a gentle peck on his lips.

"Can we stay like this," Peter said once he pulled away.

Ryan blinked multiple times while he looked at Peter dumbfounded. "Uh..."

"Please," Peter added. "I just want you to hold me."

"Yeah," Ryan finally responded. "Yeah, we can do that."


A/N: Any thoughts on what's going to happen next? What? You thought they were just going to cuddle... they might or they might not... who knows? 🤫😉

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