Chapter 17

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~ 3rd Person POV ~

" Y-you're taking me to a mini-zoo?" Jungkook said while blushing. Taehyung asked Jimin did he wants to go to a zoo but Jimin was busy so he thought that he would just be taking Jungkook since he was going to take him out of a date today but, why not the zoo since he was already going?

Taehyung nodded his head as he started up the car and began to drive to the location. Jungkook was nervous, his hands were shaking a little because this was his first date with anyone, along with this being his first date with Taehyung. It just made him nervous

" I see that you are nervous but don't be okay? It's just you and I " Taehyung said as he reached over and placed his hand on Jungkook's shaking one. Jungkook felt calmer and relaxed, just looking out the window until they arrived at their destination. They finally arrive and Taehyung kissed Jungkook on the cheek as they started to walk closer to the mini-zoo. Taehyung paid for their tickets even though Jungkook highly recommended him not too

" W-why did you pay for our tickets," Jungkook asked with a frown on his face because he could have easily paid for his own ticket. Taehyung smiled became he knew the younger male wasn't going to like that he paid for their tickets

" Because it's my treat, what type of person would I will be if I didn't it pay on the first date. This is a date babes " Taehyung said kissing him on the cheek as they walked over the small animals. Jungkook's eyes lit up as he saw the small animals " What type of pets would you want?" Taehyung asked him

" I-if I lived b-by myself...I t-think I could b-buy a pet bird or a hamster. Something s-small and easy to take care o-of you know?" Jungkook said while looking at the hamsters

" I'd want either a dog or a cat! Maybe a bunny or a piglet. A bird or a hamster would be nice! What! Maybe some goldfishes" Taehyung said as he rambled on and on about what types of animals he would buy later on in life

Jungkook smiled as he watched Taehyung look at all of the animals. Taehyung being happy was one of the things that made Jungkook's heart pound more and more

" Why are you staring at me Kookie," Taehyung said as he looked at the boy who was staring at him like he had something on his face Jungkook turned and blushed because he just got caught staring

" N-no reason... let's g-go look at the p-pigs," Jungkook said as they walked into a tent where all of the more unusual animals were. Such as baby goats and piglets

" You know if we are still in each other lives and we grow up to live in a big and fancy house. We should get a pet pig " Taehyung said as he giggled a little. Jungkook smiled and looked over at him. Jungkook was sure Taehyung wasn't aware that he just say that he wanted a future with the shy boy

" Y-yes...pigs are really cute," Jungkook said as he placed his hand on the small animal. Jungkook wasn't much of an animal person but, he did find some animals adorable. They were really cute animals

" Kookie! Come look at the bunny!" Taehyung said as he placed the Pig back in his pen and looked at the bunnies in the distance. Taehyung walked over to the pen that was filled with multicolored bunnies. Jungkook smiled and was the first one to pick it up

" They are so cute! they are so small and fluffy! They kind of remind me of you" Taehyung said as he held up a bunny as well. He turned it towards him and kissed it on the nose, wiggling his nose on top of the animals

" I-I don't look like a bunny," Jungkook said as he cuddled the soft white bunny in his arms, he looked at the bunny, trying to see if he looked like it but, he was couldn't be the resemblance that Taehyung was talking about

" Yes you do but, bunnies can be cute and fluffy but a little aggressive. You are fluffy on the outside but sexy on the inside " Taehyung said as he winked at him. It's not like it wasn't there. Jungkook was quiet in front of people but so...vocal in front of Taehyung when they are alone

Jungkook blushed and looked away from him. Taehyung knew the right ways to make Jungkook blush and Jungkook knew that

" S-stop making me blush in public," Jungkook said as he hid his face in the bunny. " Now, it's time to go look at the big animals," Taehyung said as they walked out of the small tent, hand in hand which made Jungkook blush

They walked over to the bigger animals. Jungkook was okay with the tiny ones but he wasn't a fan of bigger ones...

" Come on Kookie! Pet the goat!" Taehyung said as he softly patted the soft animal. Taehyung was always an animal person, he loved them and he wished he could raise them

" W-wait...what if it bites m-me?",Jungkook said as he stayed behind Taehyung, hiding behind him like he was some type of shield. Taehyung placed some animal food in the boy's hand, making him frown

" Feed it for me please, " Taehyung said while pouting and Jungkook frowned and stepped closer to the black and white goat, he poured as he laid out his hand

The goat began to eat from Jungkook's hand. Jungkook smiled a little while Taehyung snapped a picture

" See! It wasn't that bad now, was it? " Taehyung asked and Jungkook nodded his head. Once Jungkook was done feeding it, he wiped his hands and put on some hand sanitizer. Jungkook looked up to see a camel

" Ahhh!" Taehyung almost screamed as he felt a camel sniffing his hair. Probably because it smelt like oranges and lemons so it wasn't doing any harm but, the camel still liked the smell of his hair, it smelt good

" I-it is gone?" Taehyung said as he hides his face in his hands. Camel was sniffing his hair, not trying to eat but just casually sniffing it. Jungkook was honestly terrified of big animals but he needed to be strong for Taehyung

" I-it's not going to h-harm you T-tae, I p-promise," Jungkook said as he went to pet the Camel. The animal looked at Jungkook, getting too close to his face. Jungkook was shaking because he didn't like big animals but, he didn't want Taehyung to think he was a wimp

Jungkook tried his best not to freak out because he felt Taehyung giggling. Taehyung reached out and petted the large animal

" Kookie, stop trying to be all big and brave in front of me. I like you just the way you are. You look terrified " Taehyung said as he put on some hand sanitizer

They both enjoyed their time together. Jungkook was smiling at the site of Taehyung being all smiley and happy

" I like you, a lot, " Taehyung said as he kissed him on the lips and they walked around some more. Looking at all of the animals


Both of the boys walked back to the building while holding hands. They had an amazing time together

" T-thank you....I-I've never been on a date...Let alone someone asking me out sincerely " Jungkook said while looking at Taehyung with loving eyes. He did enjoy today and he was hoping that Taehyung enjoyed it just as much as the shyer male did. He did like it

Taehyung smiled and placed his hand on the boy's soft cheeks. Taehyung wanted to be Jungkook's first everything. When he said everything, he did mean everything. First boyfriend...first kiss...first sexual experience....first time

Maybe even his first love

" I'm glad you enjoyed it Kookie. I'm glad I could do this for you...I just want to be your first everything " Taehyung said while hugging him, wrapping his hands around his neck, smelling his strong cologne. He smelt so made Taehyung want to be so close to him

" I-I'm glad...I liked it and I like you " Jungkook said as he placed his hand on his waist. Taehyung smiled and leaned in to kiss him. Jungkook smiled and nibbled at his bottom lip

The kiss...let's just say it started to get a little heated while Taehyung pressed up against his dorm room door. Jungkook's large body was pressed against his, his heavy body made Taehyung feel so small but, he knew that inside, Jungkook was his submissive good boy

Taehyung licked Jungkook's bottom lip, asking for entrance. Jungkook opened his mouth, letting Taehyung's tongue explore his mouth. Jungkook grabbed the boy's hand and placed it on the door. The atmosphere was hot and sexual at this point

" Are you thinking what I'm thinking Kookie?" Taehyung said as he pulled Jungkook away from him. Taehyung looked down to see the hard boner in the innocent boy's pants, smirking while looking up at him

" Y-yes I am "

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