Chapter 10

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~ 3rd Person POV ~

" W-why did the p-power go off? Is the s-storm that bad?" Jungkook said as he started to freak out. He looked all over the place, freaking out because the lights keep going in and out every second of the minute. Taehyung frowned as he watched the younger male freak out

" Hey Jungkook, it's okay. It's just a little storm..." Taehyung said as he got up and walked over to Jungkook who was looking out the window. Taehyung didn't like seeing Jungkook this way, he just wanted to protect him at all cost from all of this, he was just too precious

" N-no, I don't l-like s-storms or t-thunderstorms," Jungkook said as he peeped out the window. Jumping in fear as a bolt of lightning lit up the darkroom

" Jungkook..., it's okay," Taehyung said as he placed his hand on his shoulder. Jungkook placed his hand in his hand, gripping it a little as he looked over at Taehyung with a frown on his face. " It will be okay Kookie- I mean...Jungkook" Taehyung said coughing a little

" Y-you can call m-met-that if y-you're comfortable "

" Where are the candles, " Taehyung asked and Jungkook pointed to the bottom cabinet in his living room. He walked over to the cabinet and took out a few candles

He lit them up and placed two small candles in every corner of Jungkook's dorm. He walked back into the living room

" Kookie, it's just a little storm, it will pass over," Taehyung said while laughing a little. Jungkook looked at him and nodded his head before looking away. Taehyung frowned and played with the black hair, making the boy smile a little while he was doing it

Taehyung's phone rang and he looked at who was calling him. " It's Jimin," Taehyung said as he put the phone on speaker, going back to play with Jungkook's hair

" Hey you guys, did your power go out? The lights are busted over here " Jimin said and you could hear the thunder where he was. Taehyung looked down at Jungkook

" Yeah, the power just went out. I lit some candles and placed them around the dorm. I don't know how long the storm will pass through " Taehyung said as he walked over to the window, leaving Jungkook on the bed

Looking out to see the gray and blue sky. He sighed a little and looked back at Jungkook who was hugging a pillow

This wasn't a good time but Jungkook looked adorable in this state. He looked so soft and cuddly

" I forgot to tell you that Jungkook is scared of storms," Yoongi said as he yelled in the background. Taehyung rolled his eyes and looked at Jungkook, who was looking at the wall, looking at Taehyung who at him

" I think I got that, " Taehyung said as he told them goodbye

" Kookie, it's going to be okay," Taehyung said as sat down beside him. Jungkook had his face in the pillow, not looking at him. Taehyung smiled a little while looking at him

" Hey Kookie, can you look at me please, " Taehyung said as he placed his hand on his leg. Jungkook slowly looked at him, tears in his eyes. " No baby, please don't cry, " Taehyung said as he cupped Jungkook's face. Completely forgot that he just called Jungkook Baby

" S-scared..." Jungkook said while sniffing. Taehyung pouted at him and caressed his cheek, not wanting Jungkook to be scared of it. He just wanted to protect him

" It's going to be okay, let's just go to your room okay?" Taehyung said as he grabbed his hand, jungkook nodded his head. " O-okay, "Jungkook said as he walked to his bedroom with Taehyung. Another loud crash of thunder made Jungkook jump in fear once again

" Listen Kookie, I'm here with you, don't be scared okay? " Taehyung said as he guided them both to Jungkook's bed

The taller male nodded his head and looked at him. Taehyung smiled and gently hugged him. Jungkook wrapped his arms around Taehyung's waist, just wanting some comfort due to all of this

" I've got you okay? It won't hurt you, I promise " Taehyung said as he whispers in his ear, he rubbed Jungkooks back up and down." O-okay...I'm sorry if I'm being a wimp-"

" No baby it's okay, I promise it's okay. It's normal to be scared of thunder " Taehyung said while laughing a little

" I find boys that show their emotions kinda cute..." Taehyung said laughing a little. The room was only lit up by a few candles. Jungkook hoping that it would mask his red face that was just burning up

" T-the storm doesn't look like it's going to calm down....w-will you g-go back t-to your dorm?" Jungkook said while looking at him, hoping that he wouldn't leave

Taehyung smiled and shook his head no

" Jungkook, do you want me to go?" Taehyung said as he looked at Jungkook in the eyes. The shy boy looked at him and shook his head. He didn't want him to leave

" n-no...I don't want you to go but-"

" No buts, you want me to stay so I will stay," Taehyung said as he laid back down on the bed. " Do you mind if I wear one of your shirts? Since I'm going to be here all night " Taehyung asked and Jungkook shook his head no

" I-I don't mind, my shirts are in my closet," Jungkook said as he pointed to his closet. Taehyung walked over to his closet and opened it

He grabbed a light blue shirt and walked to the bathroom and took off his pants and shirt. He grabbed the shirt and slipped it on

He wasn't weird but the shirt smelled just like Jungkook's scent. He walked back to the bed and laid down on it. He got the covers and saw Jungkook looking at the window

" You can hold on to me Kookie, I don't mind. I just want you to feel safe with me...that's all" Taehyung said as he whispered in his ear

Jungkook felt so vulnerable with Taehyung...he doesn't know why but he just felt so...sensitive with him. Jungkook slowly took his arms wrapped him around his waist, placing his head in Taehyung's chest

Taehyung tried to contain his excitement due to Jungkook acting like a baby who is scared of the dark

" You're so cute," Taehyung said as he ran his fingers through Jungkook's jet black hair." T-thank you....please don't go," Jungkook said as he looked up at him. Taehyung placed his hand on his cheek and smiled

" I won't leave, I'll be right here. I promise Kookie " Taehyung said smiled and kissed his forehead. Jungkook felt his body warm up with happiness. Taehyung was sweet and gentle towards him

He loved every bit of it

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